Nutrition in losing weight and playing sports

Proper nutrition and sport are two basic conditions for losing weight. A balanced diet gives the body energy for training and allows you to lose weight without problems.

Proper nutrition in losing weight and playing sports

A balanced and proper diet for weight loss and sports can not be too scarce. On a pair of leaves of lettuce and kefir it is difficult not only to train daily, but also to move around. A well-considered diet should include a full range of nutrients - carbohydrates , proteins and fats.

Proteins are necessary to preserve the volume of muscle tissue. Do not exclude proteins from the diet because of the fear to build up the masculine muscles - for such a result in the room you need to work for years. The lack of proteins will lead to the thinning of their own muscle mass, but the fatty layer will not suffer much. Moreover, the rate of fat burning will drop, because these "accumulations" of muscle are wasted. Proper nutrition with weight loss and exercise daily provides at least 2 grams of protein products per kilogram of weight. The correct protein products are chicken breast, lean fish and meat, cottage cheese .

The diet of the athlete for weight loss necessarily includes carbohydrates, which are the main (and most accessible to the body) source of energy and strength for training. But carbohydrates are necessary correct and useful - cereals, non-starchy vegetables, unsweetened fruits. The main portion of carbohydrate foods should be consumed 2 hours before the scheduled exercise together with a small portion of protein. The daily norm of carbohydrate products is 4 g per kilogram of weight.

Fats when doing sports and losing weight, too, are necessary, best of all - vegetable. A small amount of oil, for example, olive oil, can be used for dressing salad, but it is undesirable to fry it.

Refuse to lose weight and exercise should be from: