Games for children 5 years old

Boys and girls of this age have such features: they easily learn new knowledge, remember information, seek to learn something new about the world around, fantasize a lot. Accordingly, these qualities must be used for their further development. In the article we will offer useful and interesting games for children of 5 years.

Selecting suitable entertainment for preschoolers, we will build on the skills that a child of this age should have.

Among the basic skills we will outline the following:

Communicative games for children of 5-6 years promote the development of communication skills, the ability to listen and understand someone else's speech, the formation of intonational expressiveness. Interview will be interesting for the child. Let the kid stay in the role of a famous person, and you - a journalist. Ask him questions about his personality (name, family, place of residence), as well as questions about his city, his favorite place for walking, and about bright events. You can also ask about friends and favorite fairy-tale characters.

Many table games for children of 5 years serve as good entertainment and promote family communication, and also develop attention and thinking of the child.

  1. Take 10 toys, let the child try to remember them, then close their eyes. Move the toys in places, and the kid will place them in the original order.
  2. When the child closes his eyes, remove one toy. Let him determine which item is missing.

A preschooler should be able to distinguish between geometric figures. We offer such board games for the development of this skill:

  1. Cut out geometric figures from colored cardboard and ask the child to divide each of them into equal parts.
  2. Cut the geometric shapes into parts and invite the kid to collect them and name the figures.

The development of thinking is facilitated by games for the selection or classification of objects according to a certain feature, the explanation of the differences between the phenomena.

  1. Prepare pictures in advance (you can cut them out of magazines). Invite the baby to sort them according to a certain attribute: edible - inedible, domestic - wild animal, flowers - trees, etc. In this case, the child must say what is depicted in the picture, to argue his choice.
  2. Prepare cards with images of objects that relate to the general concept, for example, food, clothing, berries, etc. Looking at the pictures, the kid should name them and group them under a common name.
  3. Draw a house on the A4 sheet with six windows. Prepare cards with images of different animals - domestic and wild, birds, fish. Let the baby in one house plant the fish, in another bird, ie. Attaches the necessary images to empty windows. Ask the child leading questions so that he explains his choice.

If you will often update the cards, your child will be interested in playing such games for a long time.

Development of memory is facilitated by the following table games:

  1. Prepare an interesting picture. Let the baby carefully consider it, and then describe it from memory.
  2. Show him 10 toys, ask the child to close his eyes and list all the items.

Your baby will be attracted by the game "We collect a backpack". It is better if several children take part in it. In the backpack each child alternately puts different objects, calling out the previous ones and his own. Of course, as the number of things increases, it will be more difficult to play, but it's fun and exciting.

For the development of fine motor skills, invite the child to decorate small drawings, tie knots, sculpt figurines from plasticine, clay, thread on the thread beads. Boys and girls at the age of five like to play in the finger theater. Dolls can be made by yourself (bind or print ready figures on the printer and glue them together). It is especially good if the author of the play is the child himself - so he will be able to show his imagination and creativity. Finger theater not only develops fine motor skills, but also cultivates imagination, teaches us how to express our thoughts and think through actions. Also unusually interesting for children will be a shadow theater.

Playable games for children 5 years old

The preschooler adores to run, jump, ride a bicycle, so he will be happy if you offer him an active game. Especially kids like it, if it involves other guys and adults. Remember that games for children of 5 years should not only be mobile, but also fun, exciting.

  1. We arrange toys on the floor. You have to walk to the music between them. When the music is interrupted, everyone must grab one thing. Who was left without a toy - drop out. The number of items is reduced by one each time.
  2. Collect a clean basin of water and throw apples there. The participants of the game tie their hands behind their back, let them get the fruit out of the water with their mouths.
  3. Two participants sit on chairs. Near each one there is a basin with water and a spoon. On the opposite side of the room, put empty glasses. At the command, everyone starts filling up his glass with water. Who will do it faster - he won.
  4. Draw a curved line on the floor with chalk. Let the child pass along this path, looking all the time at his feet in an inverted binocular.
  5. Put in front of the participants one backpack. At a certain distance, lay out various objects. Children must reach the objects, take one, go back and put them in the backpack. It is necessary to quickly and accurately collect a backpack.
  6. At a certain distance on the chairs for each participant, the same set of things is prepared, for example, a T-shirt, socks, belt, cap, etc. At the signal, the kids need to run to their chair and put all things on themselves. A child will win, which will quickly cope with the task.

Role playing games for children 5-6 years old

Their peculiarity is that the child plays the role of a certain character in accordance with his child's idea of ​​him.

  1. Invite your child to play the game "Dating". Spread the dolls, and let the child introduce you to each of them.
  2. Play with the preschooler in the game "In the store." Offer him something to buy from the seller, thank you for buying, say goodbye.
  3. Let the kid ask forgiveness from his friend for a spoiled toy. This game is difficult, because. it is based on a conflict situation that needs to be settled. Try to lead the child to an independent search for solutions in a difficult life situation.
  4. Read the child a fairy tale, and then ask him to tell an episode on behalf of the character. Let the kid not only retell the events, but also try to describe the feelings of the hero.
  5. The child is given the role of a character. The preschooler should talk about his habits, actions, character, without naming him. The kid will do his job well if the other participants guess the character.

Role games are very useful for children of 5 years, because they develop the child's imagination, his horizons, contribute to the gender education of the child. This kind of entertainment will help the child to gain experience of business and friendly communication.

We reviewed games for children 5 years old. Do not impose your rules on the child, let him take the initiative in choosing an interesting game for him and build his story.