World Vegan Day

According to statistics, to date, there are almost a billion people in the world who adhere to the principles of vegetarianism.

Who are vegans?

The very culture of vegetarianism involves many different currents. This is raw food (eating only non-processed food products), and fruitarian (the use of fresh fruit alone), and some others. The classical theory of vegetarianism involves rejecting only the meat (flesh) of living beings. At the same time, many of the adherents of this culture do not also use animal products (milk, butter, eggs) and even refuse to use fur, animal skin, wool, silk, etc. in everyday life. This is the so-called vegan - adherents of strict principles of vegetarianism, completely excluding the consumption of any products of animal origin, including even honey and gelatin. The main reason for such a strict refusal is not even a desire for a healthy lifestyle (something that encourages many people to vegetarianism), but mostly ethical moments, environmental and even psychological motives.

Vegans also oppose the involvement of animals in the entertainment industry (horse racing, battles, dolphinariums, zoos, etc.) and conduct medical experiments on them. Exception in food vegans do only for feeding newborns with breast milk, as it is necessary for the full growth and development of any child. Adults, in the opinion of vegans, should not consume milk and its derivatives.

Where did veganism come from? Its origins are the Indian religious traditions of vegetarianism in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. At one time, the British, conquered India , adopted these principles and distributed them in Europe. Gradually, vegetarianism was transformed, and the most ardent of his fans followed an increasingly strict "diet", refusing not only meat but other animal products. The very term "veganism" was introduced in 1944 by Donald Watson, when the vegan current was already finally formed.

When is World Vegan Day celebrated?

On November 1, 1994, World Vegan Day was established, or World Vegan Day. It was established exactly 50 years after the creation of the Vegan community, which was founded in 1944 in England. In addition, the vegan's day is celebrated exactly one month after the International World Vegetarian Day - October 1. Between these two events there are several secondary, but also related to the vegetarian holidays, and October itself in the appropriate circles is called the "month of vegetarian awareness."

Public events of this month are of a massive nature and are devoted to the spread in the modern society of vegan ideas. These activities and actions call on people, first, to lead a healthy lifestyle, and secondly, to protect animals from all kinds of encroachments on their lives and health. On November 1, vegans organize rallies and marches in support of their way of life, treat those wishing dishes of vegan cuisine, explaining how useful this is.

However, with the advisability of veganism you can argue. The fact is that only in meat, milk and other livestock products contains vitamin B12, which can not be replaced by plant food. It is necessary for normal human life: otherwise, in an organism where this substance does not act, a disease such as malignant anemia can develop. Therefore, for the health of many vegans still take this vitamin.

In our culture, veganism is not as common as in the West, and the World Vegan Day is not celebrated on such a scale. In the CIS countries, vegetarianism is strictly adhered to, mainly animal rights advocates, followers of religions that prohibit the use of products of animal origin, and adherents of certain subcultures.