What is useful for green peas in pods?

Green peas in the pods appear on the tables of residents of temperate latitudes one of the first. He is loved by both adults and children for a juicy sweet taste, not comparable to anything. However, eating a large content of a fresh ripe shell, it is not superfluous to know what is useful for green peas in pods.

What is useful for green peas for the body?

Much will clear up if we look at the composition of this bean culture. It includes vitamins such as E, A, H, Group B, minerals - copper, iodine, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, chromium and others. There are chlorophyll and amino acids in fruits, but most of all there is protein, which in quantity exceeds beef and is much better absorbed. Athletes and bodybuilders actively include it in their diet to accelerate the growth of muscle mass. Yes, and carbohydrates in it a lot, so it well charges the body with energy and gives satiety for a long time.

One hundred gram of this culture provides a daily requirement for vitamin PP, and this culture also struggles with harmful cholesterol and acts as a prophylaxis for the ailments of the heart and blood vessels. The use of green peas in pods is a high fiber content that cleanses the body, removing from it the products of decay and normalizing intestinal peristalsis. The caloric content of the product is relatively low - only 42 kcal per 100 g, so you can use it without fear of persons who suffer from excess weight.

The benefit of green peas is also that it does not irritate the gastric mucosa and lowers the acidic gastric juice, so it can enter the diet of people with ulcers or gastritis. However, they should not get involved, because it can provoke strong gas formation. Fresh mashed green peas can be used in cosmetology for the preparation of toning and moisturizing face masks.