Breastfeeding of newborns

Every woman knows how important it is for babies to be breastfeeding. This is stated in all television programs devoted to motherhood, is written in specialized journals, active propaganda is carried out in maternity hospitals and children's polyclinics. But in practice, when a young mother stays with her baby without the help of medical personnel, she has many questions. In this situation, she understands how little she knows about breastfeeding newborns. For advice, she often turns to internet sources, reads how to properly organize breast feeding a newborn, a schedule of feedings that you can eat herself and what not.

Let's try to help mothers in this difficult matter, and we will consider the main issues concerning the breastfeeding of a newborn in one article. Of all the set of questions that arise in the newly mum, there are two main issues.

First, is this a diet for mom that accompanies breastfeeding of newborns? Here it is worth saying that, how many doctors - so many opinions. Surely you had to face such a situation in the hospital when a gynecologist comes along and recommends eating chocolate, motivating that you need to restore your strength after childbirth, and then a neonatologist comes in and urges you to hide the chocolate, and forget about it the next year, because a child may have an allergy. Which of them is right? And why is breastfeeding of newborns invariably accompanied by more restrictions for the mother herself? Having studied the specialized literature, it becomes evident how over time the presentation of doctors about the diet of mother during the feeding of a newborn baby is changing. And, if our mothers were recommended to limit themselves in everything, then the recommendations of modern specialists are more loyal to the mother's diet.

And if you study foreign experience, you can conclude that the more diverse a woman eats during pregnancy and lactation, the better for her and for her baby. According to the leading foreign scientists, the child, being in the womb of the mother, gets used to a certain food and adapts to it so that after birth, independently digest its components obtained with mother's milk. Such recommendations for breastfeeding newborns for us are not quite familiar. We used to think that breastfeeding newborns is a feat, and to emphasize the whole process, you need to put yourself on the strictest diet. And the grandmothers of the child do not get tired of repeating that you can not eat anything. But this is far from the case. If the nursing mother eats in a variety of ways, it makes life easier for herself (she does not have to prepare her own meals separately from the whole family) and provides a full amount of nutrients for the baby.

The second question concerns the feeding schedule for the newborn. As a rule, all difficulties in this matter again have their roots in the experience of our mothers and grandmothers. They are firmly convinced that the child needs to be fed on schedule, in their time even there were special tables according to which the feeding of the newborn was taking place. Modern pediatricians consider the cardinally different approach to be correct - feeding on demand. What is its advantage? First of all, the newborn has the opportunity to have as much contact with the mother's breast as to him necessary. After all, not always the baby needs a breast only to eat. The kid still needs to feel protected, to know the world through the mother's breast. The second important advantage of feeding on demand is stimulating the breast to produce milk. This, in turn, is the key to successful and prolonged breastfeeding of the newborn and prevention of breast cancer in the mother.

As we see, breastfeeding of newborns is first of all the health of mother and child, the joy of communicating with each other, the feeling of protection and love, rather than dieting yourself with diets and following schedules.