Grass of goat grass - application

Galega or goat is used mainly as a fodder plant for domestic animals, which explains its second name. But in folk medicine this phyto-medicine is known for its curative properties, especially in the therapy of endocrine system diseases. There are many pathologies that are helped by goat grass - the use of this plant is advisable with increased blood sugar concentration, fluid stagnation in the body, lack of milk in lactating women.

Useful properties of perennial grass goat

To prepare medicinal products, the ground parts of the described plant are used, mainly leaves, flowers and seeds. They contain a lot of useful substances:

This composition determines the healing powers of the galleys. It produces the following effects when taken orally:

The main and most valuable property of the considered plant is its hypoglycemic effect.

Grass goat for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

In addition to the fact that the plant gazlega helps reduce blood sugar, drugs from it improve the circulation and removal of fluid from the body, the sensitivity of tissues to glucose. In addition, goat grass helps against diabetes by improving the tone of the vessels, their elasticity, strengthening the smooth internal muscles, which helps to reduce the concentration of harmful cholesterol.

The recipe for effective infusion from the galleys


Preparation and use

In the evening, before going to bed, pour in the thermos of phytochemicals and pour it with boiling water. After 8-10 hours strain the infusion, drink 120-125 ml for half an hour before meals. You need to eat 3-4 times a day.

In this recipe, you can replace the seeds with dry shredded grass, but it will take 2 tables. spoons.

Decoction for normalizing the sugar level


Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients, boil the seeds in the water for 5 minutes, cover the container with a lid. Leave the solution infused for 2 hours, drain. Take the drug for 1 table. spoon up to 4 times a day.