Ginger from cough - recipe

Cough can signal the appearance of various ailments. It can be bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, allergic reactions and even stress. If you leave this problem without attention, then complications can be provoked. A simple recipe for ginger from cough is a very effective tool that helps to eliminate symptoms of the disease and strengthen immunity.

Healing properties of ginger

On the healing properties of this root was known to our ancestors. Spice and is now very popular and used in therapy and to prevent the development of colds, runny nose and cough. Ginger has the following properties:

antimicrobial, due to which the root actively struggles with signs of a cold;

The essential oils that make up the plant produce an anti-inflammatory effect and enhance the separation of sputum.

Does ginger help cough?

Many people with the appearance of the first signs of the disease begin to be treated with the root of ginger. Its use contributes to the elimination of chest pain, cough reduction and mucosal softening. Due to increased blood circulation, there is an activation of metabolic processes, which leads to a speedy recovery.

The easiest way to treat ginger cough is to use it fresh. The root is cut into circles and simply put in the mouth to eliminate the cough. Tea from ginger is also quite useful. This remedy acts warming on the body, increasing the tone of the patient. Using it before bedtime helps:

Milk with ginger from cough

This composition is widely popular for the elimination of perspiration in the throat and cough. As you know, milk has an emollient and anti-inflammatory effect, and the warming effect of ginger contributes to the better absorption of nutrients. Prepare the remedy this way:

  1. It is necessary to pour the milk (three spoons) into the pan.
  2. Bring to a boil, add the tea leaves (two spoons) and finely chopped root circle.
  3. Then again, bringing the remedy to a boil, allow it to cool.
  4. They drink the medicine, filtering, several times a day.

Ginger with honey from cough

Prepare and apply the medicine as follows:

  1. The crushed root is put in gauze and squeezed juice.
  2. The spoon of juice is diluted with lemon juice (spoon) and warmed honey (half a spoonful).
  3. Then, pour boiling water into the container (125 ml) and let it brew.
  4. The mixture is taken, first holding a little in the mouth, every hour.