Preparation for school for preschoolers

Admission to school is a cardinal reorganization of the way of life of a child. The usual childlike carelessness is replaced by limitations and the need to fulfill many requirements. From now on, the child must work systematically, observe the regime and the prescriptions of school life.

Parents should be concerned in advance about the preparation of preschool children for school, so that for children this process of restructuring to a new life was easier and with the greatest benefit.

Many mothers and fathers are convinced that the preparation of a preschooler for school education is to teach the child to read, write and the basics of arithmetic. But in order for the child to successfully understand and assimilate these foundations, he must first develop thinking, memory, attention, imagination, perception and speech.

The best way to acquire and improve these skills are developing exercises in a game form. In addition, work with preschool children must necessarily include preparation for literacy training. After all, writing is a complex process that requires a well-coordinated work of the whole hand and proper coordination of the baby's body. Mastering this skill is not easy for everyone. Many children in the first grade are not ready for a lengthy and time-consuming process of teaching the letter.

How can I help my child learn how to write? Preparation for preschoolers for writing is, first of all, the development of fine motor skills.

Preparing a preschooler's hand for writing

It includes:

It is very important to teach the child from the very beginning of classes, to sit and hold the handle correctly.

And in order for the preparation for writing preschool children to be successful and effective, one must conduct them regularly and systematically. Also, do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. For each kid you need to find your trek. Someone will do classes with his mother, and someone better go to the preparatory group.

Preparing preschool children for school includes not only the development of intelligence, but also certain physical training. Changing lifestyle and heavy loads can become a great stress for all the systems of the child's body. If the physical preparation of preschool children was insufficient - against the background of overwork may appear disease.

How can I strengthen the child's health?

First of all, try to provide the child with adequate nutrition. Then teach yourself to practice physical culture daily, for example, to exercise in the morning. It is especially good if the classes are held outdoors. Temper the body of the baby. Observance of these simple rules will help to keep the child vigorous and active.

At first, the baby will have some difficulties. Tell your child more often that everything will work out for him, you just need to try, and that you will always be there. And if something does not work out right now - it will certainly turn out later! Step by step, the child will gain new skills and confidence in their abilities.

Preparation for school for preschoolers is a long creative process. The main thing is that lessons bring the child not boredom and fatigue, but joy and a new experience. And then training in the first class will not be a difficult test for the whole family, but a joyful event.