Rating of products with negative caloric content

Probably, the dream of many people is to eat and lose weight, but, unfortunately, this is impossible. In fact, there are no products with a negative calorie content. The only known product in which there are no calories is water, but taking only one water, will you be full?

The meaning of the term

So what does the phrase "negative caloric value" mean? These products are those that contain fewer calories than you will spend on their digestion. That is, to digest this or that product, you need to chew it, and then digest the body, for these processes to spend a certain amount of calories. So, for example, you ate a product that contains 10 kcal, and 20 kcal was used to digest it. That is, the total calorie content has gone into negative, and, therefore, you have not recovered, but started to lose weight. This means that in the right diet should certainly be present foods with a negative calorie content.

The most "negative"

In the TOP-5 includes the following products: celery, lettuce, sauerkraut, onions and cucumbers .

  1. Vegetables . Such products can be consumed at any time and as many as you want. For example, in celery, the number of calories is practically zero. In addition, the composition of vegetables include vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. I'm glad that there are a lot of vegetables, and every day you can prepare a variety of salads and other tasty, and most importantly healthy dishes. Virtually all vegetables have very few calories, so after digestion you will not get anything superfluous and only lose weight.
  2. Berries . In addition to the negative calorie, they will bring into the body protein, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In the currant, gooseberries and other similar berries contain many antioxidants, vitamins, which improve immunity and help to resist viral diseases. And also berries cleanse the body of toxins and other decomposition products, improve vision and help with various diseases.
  3. Citrus fruits . Another example of products with a negative calorie content. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons help not only to lose weight, but also strengthen immunity, improve the work of the intestines. In the composition of these products there is a lot of fiber and vitamin C. Add to your daily diet citrus and extra pounds will not be terrible for you.
  4. Watermelon . What could be better than a tasty and juicy watermelon on a hot summer day? You will get vitamins, essential trace elements and at the same time not a drop of fat. In addition, this berry supplies the body with water, which is needed for weight loss and normal functioning of the body.
  5. Mushrooms . Many people do not know that fungi belong to low-calorie foods, and also contain proteins and essential nutrients for the body.
  6. Algae . Many people do not take this product seriously, but in vain. The composition of algae includes a huge amount of iodine and other trace elements, which are necessary for the body.

To avoid increasing the calorie content of dishes, it is necessary to properly prepare foods with zero calorie content. Best - for a couple or bake. To maintain a normal muscle condition, you need to add
to foods with a negative calorie protein, for example, fish, seafood and chicken.

Example menu, which includes products with a negative calorie content

  1. Breakfast. 1 boiled egg and citrus.
  2. Dinner. A piece of meat or fish, a salad of vegetables, which can be seasoned with lemon juice.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable salad or low-fat cottage cheese with fruit.

If you feel hungry, then have a bite of vegetables, berries or just drink a cup of green tea, of course, without sugar.