Eucalyptus leaves - application

Unfortunately, eucalyptus is not found in the natural environment in the CIS, so it will not be possible to prepare fresh raw materials. But the widespread use of dried eucalyptus leaves. Let's consider, what healing properties they possess.

What is the basis for the use of eucalyptus leaves?

The qualities that raw materials possess:

Perhaps you will benefit from recipes that use dry leaves of eucalyptus.

Application of eucalyptus leaves at home

Recipe number 1 - reduction of pain in the intestine


Preparation and use

Raw materials are steamed in steep boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. The filtered infusion is mixed with a small amount of honey and taken during the day.

Recipe number 2 - breathing relief


Preparation and use

Raw material is placed in a saucepan and poured with freshly boiled water. On a slow fire continue to insist means, not allowing a boil, 45 minutes. The filtered infusion is used for inhalations.

Recipe number 3 - for the treatment of uterine erosion


Preparation and use

The bay is raw with hot water, it is poisoned by a small fire and continues to languish for half an hour. Ready infusion is filtered out and warm is used for douching twice a day.

Recipe number 4 - for rinsing the sore throat


Preparation and use

Steam the boiling water raw and stand for 2 hours. The ready infusion several times a day rinse the throat.

Recipe number 5 - home use of eucalyptus leaves against dandruff


Preparation and use

Steam the boiling water in a thermos bottle. Withstand an hour, after which the infusion is filtered. Used for rinsing hair.

The leaves of the rodent eucalyptus can be used for tinctures, ointments, disinfectant solutions. However, remember, like every herbal remedy, preparations with eucalyptus can give an allergic reaction.