Derbennik ivolistny - medicinal properties

Derbennik ivolistny and its medicinal properties have long been known. Healing properties of the plant have seeds, stems, flowers and rhizomes. A great application of derbennik found in homeopathy. The products made from the plant have a restorative, antibacterial and tonic effect. Preparations from the plant also effectively fight gram-negative bacteria.

Derbennik contains: polyphenol, glucosides, flavonoids, essential oil, vitamins , tannins. The roots of the plant are saturated with saponins, and the flowers are anthocyanins. Such a huge supply of useful substances contained in a magnificent plant, can cure numerous diseases. The plant is harmless, and will help to cope even with serious illnesses.

Grass derbennik has such useful properties:

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of derbennika

Medicines from the plant are used for diarrhea, chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, colds, headaches, venereal diseases, toxicoses and snake bites.

Tea from Derbennik helps to relieve depression, improves mood. Decoction of the plant is used for bathing, with seizures or nervous diseases. The leaves of the plant are used to treat cuts and wounds.

Grass derbennik, except for medicinal properties, has contraindications. To apply a plant it is impossible at high coagulability of a blood, thromboses, diseases GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. It is not recommended to use derbennik and people who suffer from increased pressure.

Since the plant has a hypnotic effect, it is not recommended for use in driving a car. If it is necessary to perform work that requires physical exertion and visual acuity, it should also be discarded from taking drugs with this plant.

Contraindicated plant to people suffering from allergies, as well as pregnant women to use it with caution.

Ideally, before treatment with the help of derbennik, you should get advice from a specialist.