Cake "Stepka-Rastrepka"

Cake "Stepka-Rastrepka" is easy to prepare, does not require intricate ingredients and is therefore extremely popular for many years. In the modern version, the cakes are impregnated with various creams, taking into account the tastes and preferences of consumers. Consider the recipes for preparing a sweet dessert in an updated version.

Cake "Stepka-rastrepka" - recipe for cake with condensed milk

Recipes of cakes are passed on from generation to generation, so for many cakes "Stepka-rastrepka" is a recipe related to childhood memories and warm impressions of relatives. The use of condensed cream as an impregnation of cake is the most common variant of cooking in the Soviet era.



  1. Grind margarine and mix with flour. Collect the dough, make a groove and add the sour cream with the egg.
  2. Well knead the dough and send it to the refrigerator for an hour, brew.
  3. From the prepared test, roll ten cakes, knit with a fork and send it to bake. The temperature of the oven is 220 degrees, making the crusts crispy and baked.
  4. Preheated oil, mix with condensed milk, using a mixer.
  5. Lubricate the cream, baked cakes. Medium grease with currant jam. Do not pervade the upper cake, put a load on it and leave the cake for ten hours.
  6. Remove the load from the cake and grease the top layer with cream.
  7. Align the edges of the finished cake and sprinkle with crushed residues.

Cake "Stepka-rastrepka" with sour cream

Each owner of the cake recipe, selects her own kneading technology, using the original ingredients at the base. Cake "Stepka-Rastrepka", the recipe of which is based on a chopped test with the use of vodka and citric acid, will help you to master a new way of kneading, which allows you to get elastic cakes.



  1. Rub the flour with the margarine, make a funnel and beat the egg.
  2. Add in the cold water 20 grams of sugar, vodka and citric acid. Knead the dough and form ten balls. Take them for an hour in the refrigerator.
  3. Whip the sour cream with sugar and clean it in the cold.
  4. Roll out the dough into thin cakes, cut under the shape of utensils for baking, nib with a fork and cook at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  5. Cropped dough, bake and chop for cake decoration.
  6. Spread the cakes with sour cream and sprinkle with crumbs.
  7. Ready cake insist a couple of hours in the cold.

Cake "Stepka-rastrepka" - recipe with a custard in the home

The use of a custard prepared at home will give the cakes juiciness and softness. Therefore, before you make a cake "Stepka-Rastrepka", pay special attention to the ingredients that make up the cream.



  1. Mix flour and margarine in a crumb, beat in the egg and add the sour cream. Knead the dough and place for an hour in the cold.
  2. From the cooled dough, roll the cakes and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees, pre-nailed with a fork so that they do not crack.
  3. Pound the yolks with sugar, add milk and flour. Gradually stirring, enter the melted butter and whip the cream.
  4. Cool the baking, leave one crust crust, chopping it.
  5. Finished cakes with custard, sprinkle with crumbs and insist until the cake is completely soaked.