Recipe mastic from the "Marshmelow"

On the shelves of the store you can often see sachets with tricolor or two-color sweet chalks - these are Marshmellow candies. They like to chew kids. And we will use these wonderful sweets for making mastic.

Mastic is useful for us in the manufacture of jewelry for confectionery.

Rolled mastic can hide the whole cake, as a tablecloth, and already on top to decorate as you like. With the help of mastics from "Marshmelow", your confectionery products will turn into works of art. The question is how rich your imagination is. Many people ask about how to make Marshmallow mastic - this is a very simple process, requiring, however, mindfulness and accuracy.

Chocolate mastic from "Marshmelow"



Oil with cream and chocolate is dissolved in a water bath. Add the Marshmallow, and wait until the candies melt. Sift flour and starch, knead the mastic.

Mastic from "Marshmellow" cooked by own hands, can be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped with food film, up to 2 months. Before use, the mastic is allowed to stand at room temperature for 2 hours and is heated on a water bath or in a microwave.

How to make mastic from "Marshmelow"?



If you want to make Marshmallow mastic of different shades, then stock up on food colors. Candy is better to take two-color. Mixing of three-color sweets will not give you the color of pure shades.

Put the sweets in a plastic container, add a spoonful of butter, milk and put on a water bath, cover it with a lid, let it melt for about 15 minutes, until it begins to turn into a solid solid mass. If you have a microwave, then it is enough to hold the container for 40-50 seconds.

Stir the sticky thick mass well. If you use a dye, drip a bit and stir properly. Sift on the surface of the table sugar powder and starch and knead in them an elastic, non-sticky dough. Mastic for the cake from the "Marshmelou" is ready.

Ready mastic can be used for decorating any cakes, for example "Trump stump" , or "Beer mug" .