What should I do if my husband has grown cold?

When we finally have a serious relationship, we are ready to fly with happiness, still - that's it - the only one found. But time passes, and we notice that the relationship is not the same as before, they had some sort of alienation. What should I do if my husband has grown cold? First to understand why the relationship has cooled, well, and then urgently correct the situation.

Why did the man grow cold?

How to understand why a man has grown cold, what was the reason? Here, without serious reflection can not do, remember when they began to notice the changes in the attitude of the loved one to himself. And on the basis of this, make assumptions about the possible causes of the emergence of cold in the relationship.

  1. "What should I do, my husband has cooled to me?" - you experience. Is this really so? Maybe the cause of the alleged cooling is the usual fatigue, problems at work, which your husband does not want to share with you just because he protects the family from unnecessary worries?
  2. If the beloved man has grown cold, the first thing that comes to mind is that he has another. Do this option alone is not necessary, maybe someone on the side and appeared, but so far you have only vague assumptions. Could the reason be in you? Remember what you were at the beginning of the relationship and what you are now. There are changes, and they are not for the better, right? You are not so careful about appearance, and you consider affection to be a duty, not a way to show your feelings, and most importantly, relationships began to acquire a barter character: "I brewed you borsch, and you give me something for it."
  3. Often, women notice that everything has changed after giving birth. The husband is already so attentive to his wife, in other words, he has grown cold. Do not just think that he stopped loving you. Just the appearance of a child is a test not only for you, but for a man, he also needs to learn to live in a new way. And a small child takes away the lion's share of strength and time, young parents often do not find strength to say "good night" to each other.

What if the beloved man has grown cold?

Well, that's the reason why feelings have cooled down, it's planned, it remains to decide what to do with all this. If the husband gets tired at work, has cooled because of your appearance or because of replenishment in the family, in any other case you need to talk with him. A happy family is the result of the work of both spouses, and therefore the husband's help will not be superfluous. Just try to remove scandalous notes from your voice, talk to your husband calmly, ask him what's bothering him. If a man leaves the conversation, do not insist, for some time, postpone the conversation and try to start it a few days later. Having talked with him, you will understand whether they were right in their assumptions or simply concocted themselves all sorts of horror stories, because of which they themselves did not sleep at night.

  1. Work piled up a huge amount, the head is picking on, here's the husband and home with you nelaskov. What to do? Help him to pass this difficult area, a little patience, and everything will be fine. Slightly lower your demands for the husband, now he needs your support more than the adjusting remarks and constant criticism.
  2. Do you know such a joke "would I get married as soon as possible, otherwise I'm tired of taking care of myself"? Notice that it has to do with you? Rather correct yourself, and then after a while turn into a grumpy wife in a greasy dressing gown and with eternal curlers on her head. And stop making scandals on any occasion, believe me, in the caress of a man react much better. Sometimes a pair of gentle words can achieve what could not be achieved with the help of reproaches and threats.
  3. In your family there was a child, and the husband is not so tender? Wait, everything will work out, and besides, maybe this is part of your guilt? The phenomenon of postpartum depression is quite common and, of course, your loved ones should help you with this, but if you do not want to get out of this state, then who is to blame for changing attitudes toward yourself? And you would not be tired, coming tired from work, to cope not only with the child, but also with hysterics of the second half, so even for this, instead of gratitude receive endless reproaches?