How to behave with a married man?

The relationship between a free woman and a married man can last for years. And an unfaithful spouse, this situation is usually quite satisfactory, which can not be said about a woman who, most likely, dreams of family and children. In this case, she often has a question - how to behave properly with a married man, so that he left the family.

How to behave properly with a married lover?

According to statistics, long or not very much intrigues leads the majority of married men. But since their main goal is only the satisfaction of physical attraction, "to change horses in a ferry" married men are in no hurry. And it is not known who in that case was luckier - the one who was abandoned after one night, or the one that for years waits for her loved one to leave the family.

One of the most common female techniques designed to push a married lover to divorce is blackmail. A mistress can "wean from the body" or break with her lover until he leaves the family. With some men, it works, but there is a risk that the lover will simply switch to another.

The second effective technique consists in organizing for the man the most comfortable conditions. Mistress in this case should better than a lawful wife to cook, look, have sex. But if a man understands that in any case, addiction occurs and after a year or two the mistress will cause the same emotions as the wife at the moment, he is unlikely to divorce.

One example of successful breeding of a man with a lawful wife is widely known. This is the story of Anna Boleyn and Henry VIII. For several years, Anna successfully supported the King's passion, but did not enter into an intimate relationship with him. Eventually, after an open conflict with the church and part of the European monarchs, Henry divorced. However, the completion of this love story is far from cloudless - disappointed in his beloved, the king accused Anna of witchcraft and executed her.

The conclusion from all this follows is simple - to build your happiness on the tears of another woman is hardly worth it. Of course, it also happens that there are really two halves, native to the soul and body. And they live happily ever after. But in this case, not only a woman but her lover aspires to create a family.