What is given for a pink wedding?

The anniversary of the marriage, which lasted 10 years, is popularly called tin or pink. Despite the absence of official status, this celebration is an excellent occasion for organizing a noisy feast with the participation of relatives and friends. The latter are genuinely concerned about the problem of what is given to a pink wedding and how it is best done.

What can be a gift for a pink wedding to his wife?

This landmark date simply can not do without a bouquet of flowers, preferably roses, which must be presented to your beautiful half in the morning. Ideally, if the composition will consist of 11 pink buds. Why so much? Ten of them will symbolize a decade of love and harmony, while the eleventh is intended to radiate hope for the same subsequent years. If the husband adores flowers of a different kind or hue, then do not stick to the stagnant traditions, pamper her with her favorite plants.

On a pink or tin wedding, all guests, in addition to the basic gifts, should be presented a couple with a pink rose rosebud or a whole composition of them. Do not worry that there will be too many plants, they can find a somewhat different, more romantic application. So, for example, there is a chance to shower your husband and wife with petals from flowers and wish them well-being, wealth and mutual affection.

What can I give to a pink wedding?

Despite the fact that this date still bears the name of a tin, you should not ask a couple of dishes or figures from this metal. If the goal is to focus on the history of the holiday, you can present the original tin candlestick or cutlery. However, as practice shows, the gift is more often associated with something pink, but not tin. Therefore, you can not just focus on the presents of this color, it's enough to place the accents that attract attention. So, for example, a gift to her husband for a pink wedding can be a long-desired thing, packed in a box with pink stripes or a bow.

An original gift for a pink wedding to friends will be jam from the petals of roses , which should symbolize a sweet life together. Also do not forget about such constantly topical gifts as beautiful bedspreads and bed linens. Considering the fact that ten years of life together lived on a fairly serious date, humorous and provocative congratulations should be avoided, emphasizing the people's patience and mutual understanding.