How often do dogs have heat?

Heat is a natural physiological process that is characteristic of almost all female animals. Most often, the first estrus in a dog occurs in the period from six to nine months. Less often, it happens at the age of one year, and extremely rarely - in a year and a half. The first estrus, as a rule, is shorter than all the subsequent ones. In some bitches, it is generally very weak and does not attract males. At the time of puberty, the bitch should determine whether the offspring needs a dog or not. It should be remembered that the binding of a dog at an early age is extremely undesirable. Therefore, the owner of the dog should be especially attentive during the estrus in dogs.

Periodicity of estrus in dogs

In domestic dogs, estrus often occurs once or twice a year at intervals of six months. On average, the estrus lasts from 20 to 25 days. From the first to the eighth day the bitch is not yet ready to mate , but from the ninth to the eighteenth days the dog is ready for fertilization.

The frequency of estrus in dogs also depends on the breed and age. For example, huskies flow once a year. In the old bitches, the signs of estrus are less pronounced or completely absent, and the periods between drains increase. However, the old dog can also become pregnant.

The owner of the dog should conduct a schedule of estrus from his dog throughout her life. On it you can determine the regularity of estrus, and if there is a delay in estrus in the dog, you need to contact the veterinarian for advice. As practice shows, quite often the owner does not notice the estrus in the dog, especially if the dog is miniature and clean.

Sometimes in dogs of decorative breeds, which early grow up, the first bloodless estrus is observed. As the cycle grows older, the cycle is restored, however, if the second and third estrus have passed in the dog without excreta, you should definitely contact the veterinarian.

Bitch can have various hormonal failures in the body and as a result, there are violations of estrus in dogs. For example, as a result of an anostria in the dog's body, an insufficient amount of hormones is produced and, as a consequence, the estrus in such a dog does not occur. If the owner does not plan to have puppies from such a dog, then this condition does not harm the health of the bitch. However, if you planned to use such a bitch for breeding, the veterinarian will prescribe a treatment that will help your dog to have puppies.

There are many different pathological conditions of the dog, which can be understood only by a qualified veterinarian, so for any violation of estrus in your pet, it is better to consult a specialist.