Curtains in the style of Provence

The desire to certainly turn a cold standard apartment or a country mansion into a cozy nest is typical of all the responsible housewives. So they sort through all the existing styles in search of an optimal design solution, tossing in their search from the fashionable high-tech to the chic classics . Somewhere in the area of ​​the "golden" middle there is a gentle and very comfortable Provence, born in the picturesque corner of France adored by poets and artists. It is clear that the curtains in the house must be chosen appropriate, otherwise your bedroom or kitchen in the style of Provence will not get the proper charm. There are important features in the interior, which are peculiar only to this design direction.

The color gamut in the power of Provence

In order to correctly determine the color solution when choosing textiles, you can safely use the impressionist paintings for comparison. Such recognized masters of painting as Manet or Dah, in their works used the same sets of colors that are the hallmark of our style of Provence. Here, also milky, beige, violet, lavender and other natural shades reign. Pastel colors are best soothing after nervous working days and instantly create a cozy stop.

Selection of fabric for curtains Provence

In rustic design it is forbidden to use excessively catchy synthetics with sparkles or overflows. For example, curtains in the kitchen of Provence are desirable to buy cotton and cotton, and the most optimal choice will be handmade products of uncomplicated design. The exception are curtains made of polyester, imitating natural fabric. Manufacturers have already learned how to copy linen or cotton, making their products soft and tender. The advantage of such short Provence-style curtains in their practicality is that they are affordable, they are better erased, they last a little longer and do not burn out so much.

Form of curtains in the style of Provence

This direction though is considered a bright representative of rural design, but here the influence of classical traditions is strongly influenced. That's why even the curtains for the kitchen in the style of Provence are almost always decorated with bows, frills, braid, edging, other fine handmade decor. But all this beauty should be used in moderation, excessive splendor, heavy drapery and fringe, capable of visually overloading the interior, in our French style is not welcome. To strengthen our curtains preferably on wooden eaves or metal products made by forging. Plastic holders, if financially critical situation and at the moment they have nothing to replace, it is better to mask in the folds of the fabric.