Propagation spirea cuttings in spring

Those who are fond of landscape design, probably familiar with such an unusual plant as spiraea . Beautifully flowering shrubs not only decorate any garden with small inflorescences from spring to autumn, but also pleases unpretentiousness in care. Therefore, it is not surprising that once seeing a spire, any gardener will want such a beauty on his site. And, by the way, the purchase of seedlings is not necessary, because vegetative reproduction of the spirea shrub is possible. Speech is about propagation in the spring.

Reproduction of spiraea by cuttings in spring - cutting off shoots

Cutting is one of the most effective spiraea in breeding. It is usually held in the middle of summer or in the fall. But if you want you can do this spring, in May. In this case, propagation of spiraea by green or semi-aged cuttings is applied. For spring propagation, young annual shoots are used, which grow straight and extend upwards. A sharp knife or a pruner cut a branch into cuttings up to 10-15 cm long. There should be 4-5 internodes (that is, pairs of leaves) on each branch. And the lower internode should be cut without leaving the petioles. Cuttings on cuttings should be oblique, at an angle.

Reproduction of spiraea in spring - planting of cuttings

In general, cuttings spiroea rooted well. However, in the procedure carried out in the spring, special processing of the blanks is recommended, which promotes rapid root formation. Prepared cuttings should first be placed for 4-12 hours in a solution of any biostimulator at your disposal - Epin, Albit, Energen, Zircon and others. In their absence, experienced gardeners are advised to use natural biostimulators, for example, aloe juice (3-5 drops in water). It does not hurt to sprinkle the ends of the cuttings with a root-forming stimulant in the form of a powder, for example, Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Rooted.

After such treatment cuttings are placed in a container with moist sand, deepening at an angle to a depth of 2-3 cm. Do not forget to spray the cuttings, and then place under a jar or film.

Care and planting cuttings spiroea

When propagating spiraea with cuttings, care and maintenance is reduced to placing the pot in a shady place in the garden, spraying frequently, watering and airing. By winter, pots with cuttings should be carried to the basement or buried in the ground. With the latter option, cover the cuttings with foliage or a natural cloth. With the arrival of heat, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place.