Plum "The Hungarian Moscow"

Plums, which have the name "Hungarian", represent an extensive varietal group of domestic plums. They are characterized by an elongated shape of the fruit, a dark color with a bluish bloom, an easily removable bone and dense flesh. The peculiarity of these varieties is that only from them it is possible to cook prunes .

The following types of plums belong to the group of Hungarians: "Hungarian Ordinary", "Hungarian Azhanska", "Kuban Legend", "Hungarian Italian", "Golden Drop", "Ballade", "Hungarian Caucausian", "Hungarian Kozievskaya", "Hungarian Muscovite" ".

Plum "Hungarian Moscow" gets the best reviews of gardeners, thanks to high yield, resistance to sharp weather changes and various diseases.

Plum "Hungarian Moscow" - description of the variety

The tree has an average height of 3 meters. The plant is characterized by a dense globular globe and elongated leaves of medium size. The fruits have an oval-round shape, the average size and weight of about 20 g. The skin of the plums is colored violet-blue and has a wax coating. Pulp of yellow-amber fruit, very dense and juicy. The bone is elongated-oval in shape. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. In the first year of life there is a rapid growth of the tree.

Variety of plum "Hungarian Muscovite" fructifies on an annual growth and on bouquet branches. It does not differ in rapidity, from the moment of planting, it must take at least 8 years before fruits appear. But then the yield will increase every year. From one adult tree it will be possible to get 20-30 kg of plums.

The plant is resistant to cold and perfectly tolerates winters. For a good fruiting discharge, sunlight is needed, so a place for planting should be chosen well-lit. The presence of a shadow can lead to a lack of fruit. Another condition for normal growth is regular abundant moisturizing.

Pollination of the "Wenger of Moscow"

Plum "Hungarian Muscovite" refers to self-fertilized varieties and can give a regular good harvest by pollinating independently. But all growers know the fact that in the presence of pollinating varieties fruiting occurs better even in self-fertilizing varieties.

The best pollinator for the plum "Wengerki Moscow" can be called "Redmond of the Red." Also this function can perfectly perform the plum sorts "Tulskaya black" and "Renkloed kolkhoz".

Having planted on your site "Hungarian Moscow", you will always have an abundant harvest, spending a minimum of effort.