Lavender - planting and care in the open ground

Go past the beds, strewn with delicate violet flowers, exuding a magnificent aroma , it is impossible. Lavender is not only planted fields in Provence, but also decorated with rockeries, curbs and alpine slides in your garden. In addition to the decorative function, wonderful lavender is an excellent cosmetic. But to make your flowerbed luxurious, you need to know about the peculiarities of planting and caring for lavender in the open ground. Our article is to help.

When to plant lavender in the open ground?

Capricious lavender is a plant that is demanding of the earth. Therefore, first of all find the suitable site. The heat-loving flower prefers places open and illuminated by the direct rays of the sun. Lavender, of course, will grow in the penumbra, but do not expect bright and abundant flowering from it.

The plant does not like waterlogged soils or areas with high-flowing ground roots. Excessive hydration is fraught with the rooting of the root system and, as a result, the death of bushes. True, if you can not find a suitable site, build an elevation for the lavender, and in the landing pit lay a 10-centimeter layer of drainage from expanded clay and sand.

The soil itself for the plant is preferably fertile alkaline with a pH of 6.5-7.5. It should be dry soil - loamy or sandy loamy. The acidity of the earth is easily eliminated by the use of lime.

The planting of lavender in the middle zone is carried out in the early spring, as soon as the frost ceases. In the southern regions, it is carried out in the early autumn, in September. For lavender, a small elevation is set up - a 35-40 cm bed, in which then a pit of 25-30 cm depth is dug out. The distance between the pits should reach 40 cm for low grades and up to a meter for tall varieties. An hour before planting, the seedlings are lowered into the water, and their top is cut off. The lower branches of the bushes are also subject to removal. You can put a little humus or mineral fertilizers on the bottom of the landing pit.

How to care for lavender in the open ground?

If we talk about watering, it is often necessary for young plants to take root. While the sapling gets used to the new place, it is watered every two weeks. On hot days, despite the fact that it is a drought-resistant bush, moisture is needed more often - once a week and under the condition of drying the earthen root. After all, waterlogging is also dangerous for the plant.

Extra nutrition is an important aspect of growing lavender in the open ground. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. In spring, lavender needs nitrogen. To do this, prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of "Humate sodium" or 1 tablespoon of urea. For each bush, calculate 5 liters of the solution obtained.
  2. During budding and flowering every 2-3 weeks, lavender is fed with a complex fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants containing potassium and phosphorus. It can be Ross universal or Agricorla Fantasy. They are used according to the instructions.

When caring for aromatic bushes, use pruning, which is carried out not in the spring, as is customary, but immediately after flowering. In addition, the rejuvenating shearing of shoots in the autumn can prolong the life of your pet. By the way, the development of young shoots is facilitated by the hilling of bushes in autumn and spring.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the wintering of lavender in the open ground. In regions with warm winters, shelter will not be needed. It is only recommended to cut the plants short. But if frosts in the -25 ° C area are for you - the usual temperature regime in winter, besides lavender, cover with branches of coniferous trees. Fallen foliage, peat and straw do not apply, as the bushes can die under their layer and rot.