White discharge in the cat

Periodically, cats have vaginal discharge, which causes a slight concern among the owners. Allocations can be watery, transparent, bloody, yellow (purulent), dark green or brown (postpartum). In this case, the animal periodically lickes the causative site, but there are no other changes in behavior. Let's try to understand why the cat has vaginal discharge and how it can be cured.

The causes of excretion from the shaft of the cat

Here there are several factors:

  1. Allocations in a pregnant cat . If they have a reddish hue, then this is a potential threat of pregnancy breakdown. In the postpartum period, the presence of black and dark green discharge is a natural phenomenon and can last several days. Traces persist for up to three weeks. If the placenta is not gone, then abnormal bloody and watery discharge are observed.
  2. A pyrometer . At the age of more than five years, unsterilized cats may begin to accumulate pus in the uterus, which can lead to bloating and getting pus in the abdominal cavity. Isolation of pus is observed with an open form of the disease. Purulent contents have a brown, pink or cream color.
  3. Vaginitis . Occurs on the basis of endocrine disorders with the participation of infection (streptococcus, E. coli, staphylococcus). With vaginitis, the cat has creamy white discharge. The inflammatory process is treated with douching or oil emulsions.
  4. Endometritis . Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus begins with a small smearing discharge from the vulva, which in time become abundant and foul-smelling. Endometritis is treated with antibiotics, antimicrobial and hormonal drugs.

Thus, if the cat has a discharge during or after childbirth , this should not cause fear, but if the discharge is accompanied by fever, loss of appetite and lethargy, then it is worth contacting the veterinarian.