Gulf of the Latter Hope

The gate of the Chilean South Patagonia opens with the Ultima Esperanza Bay (Gulf of Last Hope). To date, these sites have been well explored, and it is one of the largest offshoots of the fjords on the southwestern coast of Chile . Moreover, in this region of the country every year many tourists come in search of alternative rest and unity with wild nature.

History of the Gulf of Last Hope

This bay has almost five hundred years and a fairly sad history. In the distant 1558, the navigator Ladrillero tried to find an outlet into the Straits of Magellan through the labyrinths of the Chilean fjords. An experienced navigator by that time had already explored all the channels and islands of the fjords, but in search of an outlet to the Straits of Magellan, he never fulfilled his last hope. A year after the beginning of the expedition, Juan Ladrillero was forced to return. And in memory of this journey, the cape and the bay were named after Ultima Esperanza.

The Gulf of Last Hope Climate

The climate of these places is not hostile: the strongest piercing winds, often changing directions, quite low temperatures even in summer, winter frosts. If you want to travel in these places, you should definitely stock up with special winter sports clothes and comfortable shoes.

What is interesting about the bay?

The embankment of the Bay of Last Hope, located in the city of Puerto Natales , is famous for the fact that in 1931 the missionary and geographer Alberto de Agostini with his companions left this deserted coast to the southern Patagonian ice sheet and successfully crossed it. We can say that these brave people first crossed the whole bay, went through the glaciers and successfully returned back. In honor of this heroic act on the quay of Puerto Natales, a monument to Alberto de Agostini is erected.

From the port of the bay tours are organized to the largest glaciers, where a person can feel all the greatness and wild nature of the surrounding nature. In the waters of the Gulf of Last Hope, fishing is arranged, after which all the catch can be cooked on the beach at any cafe in Puerto Natales.

Organize travel to these places should be at the peak of the tourist season - from November to March. At this time, the waters of the Gulf of Last Hope are not stormed, there is no tsunami and hurricane winds, in this region is summer.

How do I get to the Gulf?

On the coast of the bay the main point for all travelers is the small town of Puerto Natales . It is noteworthy that ferries departing from its port daily leave for the Torres del Paine National Park and ships navigating the fjords, ready to arrange excursions for curious tourists.

Puerto Natales is located 242 km north of Punta Arenas . From there you can get there by buses, the journey time will take about 3 hours.