
Kopo is a national park in Argentina , which is an environmental federal territory located in the department of Kopo, the province of Santiago del Estero. Kopo was founded in 1998 and was intended to preserve and increase the biodiversity of rare species.

Key Features of the Attractions

The national park of Kopo is located on the territory, the area of ​​which occupies 1142 square meters. km. The reserve belongs to the dry ecosystem of the Chaco with a relatively mild and warm climate. Every year, here falls an average of 500 to 700 mm of precipitation. Rare animals living in the areas of the park of Kopo, are under real threat of extinction. Most often there are giant anteaters, jaguars, mangy wolves, some species of armadillos and parrots.

Most of the protected areas of the reserve are woodland forests. Their main representative is the red quebracho. Scientists have found that in the dense mahogany wood contains a lot of tannin. At the beginning of the 20th century, about 80% of Quebracho grew on the territory of Santiago del Estero , now this number has decreased significantly, there are no more than 20% of this species.

How to get to the park?

The national park of Kopo is best left from Santiago del Estero. From here, in a rented car or taxi, you need to drive along the RN89 and RP6. The trip takes no more than 6 hours on average.