Heaviness in the stomach after eating

Delicious food should bring not only a feeling of satiety, but also pleasure. However, with various diseases of the digestive system, the meal darkens the heaviness in the stomach after eating. This unpleasant symptom may indicate a serious pathology of the stomach, intestines, spleen and pancreas.

Why, after eating, there is discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen?

The main factors provoking the described syndrome:

Also, heaviness and bloating after eating can accompany irritable bowel syndrome. This is a psychosomatic disease that manifests itself in the form of a vast complex of symptoms, including dyspeptic disorders.

What should I do if I feel heavy in my stomach right after eating?

For effective treatment it is advisable to visit a doctor (gastroenterologist) and find out the root cause of the symptoms in question. During therapy, it is important to follow a doctor's prescribed diet.

Short-term improve the state of health can drugs:

Also a good help chamomile tea, infusion yarrow.