Feces of green color

Feces of green color have a different nature of origin. In some cases, the discoloration of the stool appears for very commonplace reasons, but sometimes this phenomenon indicates serious violations in the body.

What causes the appearance of green feces?

The most basic reason for the appearance of dark green stools is nutrition. Mostly the shade of the stool is changed due to eating foods that contain a lot of iron. It:

Also feces with a green tinge may occur in those who used to eat food with chemical dyes the day before, for example:

If you take a variety of supplements, then when the stool is green, do not worry about what it means. Feces of greenish shades - this is a frequent phenomenon when taking:

Pathological causes of the appearance of green feces

There are other reasons why the feces are green. They can be directly related to both intestinal dysfunction and pathology in other organs and systems. The most common ailments that cause the appearance of feces of a dark green color are:

Sometimes such color of feces is observed with infectious inflammations and diseases, for example, with acute enterocolitis. In this case, the patient may also have vomiting and an increase in temperature.

Also, the causes of feces of green color are dysbacteriosis and antibiotic therapy. In this case, a person may have pain in the abdomen, frequent eructations and increased gas formation.

Treatment for the appearance of feces of green color

First of all, it is necessary to find out why the green feces appeared. If this happens due to malnutrition, the patient should change his diet. Eliminate it and carbonated drinks with dyes, cucumbers, kiwi, gooseberries, raisins and other "dangerous" products. For 7-10 days, stick to a healthy diet: drink plenty of water, do not eat fried and sweet. This will allow you not just to balance the diet, but also to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Support the body will help drugs such as:

If such preventive measures are taken, the green stool does not stop, then this indicates the presence of the disease. Determine it will help the gastroenterologist. With dysbiosis treatment is aimed at restoring the balance of microflora in the intestine. This can be done with drugs, which include various useful microorganisms. Was there blood in the stool? It is necessary to conduct a course of hemostatic therapy.

If infectious diseases are identified, the patient should be placed in the infectious disease department and all necessary procedures and measures are taken to fight the disease. Especially dangerous are intestinal infections, accompanied not only by green feces, but also by vomiting, as this provokes rapid dehydration . Restore the water balance is helped by intravenous drippers with saline and glucose.