Stretching of the hip muscles - treatment

Stretching of the hip muscles is often found not only in athletes. This injury occurs during the extension of the leg in the knee. The reason for the stretching is that the muscles before the load are not heated enough, so during sudden movements or complex exercises, stretching may occur, which is immediately indicated by a sharp pain.

On the thigh there are two groups of muscles - the back and front. The rear are:

To the front are:

Also, there is a leading muscle, which is attached to the bones of the pelvis and the bones of the leg. In particular, it is used when a person sits on a string .

Treatment of hind muscles

Treatment of stretching of the biceps and other hamstrings takes 10-12 weeks. The period of treatment is determined by the severity of the injury received, as well as compliance with the recommendations of the doctor by the patient. It is very important to provide first aid, for this it is necessary to apply something very cold - ice or any cooled object. During the next day, it is necessary to apply cold compresses. At this time, the patient should limit himself to activity and be at rest. With any sloppy movement, the muscle can become inflamed and the pain may increase. Observe a calm lifestyle, should be for the next fourteen days. If necessary, the physician prescribes physiotherapy. But this treatment is applicable only on the third day after the injury.

Treatment of adductor muscle

Treatment of the adductor muscle of the thigh passes somewhat differently. In the beginning, it is also necessary to cool the diseased area and apply a fixative bandage. For effective treatment and to avoid the appearance of bruising , it is possible to use warming ointments. They will help the coagulated blood to quickly dissolve and provoke the flow of blood. Do not overstrain your leg without an important reason, as for several days the damaged muscle should be at rest.

Treatment of anterior muscles

All is more difficult with front muscles, which include the straight line, lateral, medial and intermediate. Treatment of the anterior muscles of the thigh passes exclusively under the supervision of a physician. Within 3-6 weeks, the leg is immobilized in a straightened position. The duration of treatment is determined individually for each patient. The course of rehabilitation comes when the patient can independently hold his foot on the weight. It consists of exercises that restore muscle strength.