The most incompatible signs of the zodiac

Many people, strangely enough, believe in horoscopes, especially those that have a connection with personal life. For example, you can find out which signs of the zodiac are incompatible with each other. It is believed that if people have mismatches in the stars, they will not be able to establish contact and build strong and happy relationships . Everyone can by his example check or disprove existing information.

The most incompatible signs of the zodiac in a relationship

Of course, if you want to get a detailed horoscope of relationships, then it's better to contact an astrologer, but besides that everyone has the opportunity to address generalized data.

The most incompatible signs of the zodiac:

  1. Aquarius and Pisces . Relationships in this pair are doomed, because it is very important for Pisces to constantly get attention to yourself, and Aquarians are absolutely not capable of expressing feelings. The latter will never understand and will not accept the resentment and vulnerability of partners.
  2. Gemini and Capricorn . People born under the auspices of Gemini are impulsive, which is completely incompatible with the sluggishness of Capricorns. Conflicts will arise because the Gemini love freedom and impermanence, and for partners this is completely unacceptable. The complete difference between characters and stereotypes makes relations impossible.
  3. Aries and Taurus . Representatives of these signs have many contradictions, for example, Taurus like to live by emotions, and Aries, on the contrary, are far from sensual manifestations. Maybe relationships in the first couple, and have the right to exist, but in marriage these zodiac signs are incompatible, because Aries constantly needs a variety that they can not get from a leisurely Taurus, so he usually goes looking for entertainment on the side.
  4. Scorpio and Sagittarius . People who are governed by Scorpio , have a complex character and can understand it only one. In addition, it is very important for them to build strong relationships in which the panther can be trusted. These criteria do not fully correspond to the freedom-loving Sagittarius. In addition, both signs have different temperaments and life priorities.
  5. Cancer and Libra . Scales are an eccentric nature, for which it is important to be the focus of attention. It is this behavior that makes Pisces always think that Libra is indifferent to them. To get along with each other, both partners will have to go to a large number of compromises, and in most cases this is simply unrealistic.
  6. The Lion and the Virgin . For people born under the protection of the Virgin, stability in relations is important, which is unimportant for Leo. For the latter, the love of the former is unacceptable to criticism. They are also incompatible in the financial question. Another reason for the conflicts - Leo does not tolerate the criticism to which the Virgin is inclined.

Incompatible signs of the zodiac for parents and children

When a person realizes that he is incompatible with a lover or friend, then such a relationship can be stopped so as not to torment either himself or another person. Such a solution is not suitable for situations where incompatibility arises between parents and children. In this case, it will take a lot of effort and time to learn to understand each other and make compromises. The main thing is to understand that people simply have different emotional potentials that do not coincide.

Incompatible people by zodiac sign:

  1. Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are incompatible with representatives of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). In such a family there will be numerous problems, conflicts and misunderstandings.
  2. Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) will conflict with people controlled by the elements of Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn).