The Age of Aquarius - when begins and ends - the predictions

The researchers call the new period a sign of brotherhood and charity. Forecasts of astrologers promise that the Age of Aquarius will unite humanity into a single nation, where nationality will not play a role. The main value will be the person himself. There will be a new type of aristocracy - an erudite personality, and to this ideal all people on Earth will aspire.

The Age of Aquarius - what does this mean?

Many philistines often wonder: The Age of Aquarius - what is it? Scientists have derived a simple formula: The Age of Aquarius is a horoscopic theory, lying at the base of the views of New Age culture, the essence of which is that the astrological period is being replaced. Happens like this every 2 thousand years, and in the new era, science will step forward widely, there will be many different teachings. This period is also called the Golden Age, as it will give a new society to the Earth.

Characteristic features of a new era:

The Symbol of the Age of Aquarius

Each epoch has its own characteristic symbols. The sign of the Age of Aquarius is a person who pours water from two vessels into the river, the researchers call them symbols of the currents of Good and Evil . These are the energies of the Aquarian Age, one vessel symbolizes "dead" water, the second - "living". Wherein:

  1. The Stream of Evil brings suffering and cleanses the soul through pain.
  2. The flow of Good fills the feeling of a new happiness and harmony, freedom and love.

The Age of Aquarius - when does it begin and end?

As to how long the Age of Aquarius lasts, there are active discussions between scientists from different countries. Some claim that the new era began in 1962, when Aquarius collected many planets, while others insist on 1997, because Uranus entered the field of Aquarius. Astrologers, for their part, insist on three versions that explain the beginning of the Aquarian Age:

  1. The new era has already come in 2000, and will last about 2000 years.
  2. At the moment the transition period lasts about 160 years.
  3. The era of Aquarius started in 2012, then this constellation entered the point of the spring equinox .

The Age of Aquarius - predictions

Given extremely optimistic forecasts, the new era promises to be the best period for humanity. Researchers have constructed the main principles that decode the meaning of what the Age of Aquarius is, what awaits us and what to fear:

  1. Condemnation will not be acceptable.
  2. Thinking logical will be completely replaced by intuitive.
  3. The line between the sciences of different profiles will disappear, scientists will begin to work with the basic base.
  4. The main principle of life will be universal prosperity, without hierarchies.
  5. All will live for the common good.
  6. Spiritual goods completely replace the material.
  7. Artificial intelligence will be invented.
  8. The main goal of a person will be internal, spiritual growth, not wealth.
  9. Disrupt intrigues, meanness, corruption, abuse of power.
  10. Everyone will work for an overall excellent result.
  11. Strong groups will tighten those who are weaker.
  12. Proof of a person's success will be his friends.
  13. Scientists will form a single information field to jointly solve global problems for the planet.
  14. Art will gravitate towards abstractions and shocking, artists will offer amazing color scales and subjects, and actors - not work to implement the ideas of the director, but their own self-expression.

The Age of Aquarius - esoterics

Esotericism has its own interpretations of a new era and changes that await mankind. The very first knowledge: there is no death, there is only the transformation of the body, in which the Supreme Spirit remains and only changes the body. The New Age of Aquarius will teach a different system of values:

The Age of Aquarius for the Signs of the Zodiac

In the Age of Aquarius, all the signs of the zodiac will receive their task, but the main responsibility will lie with those who were born under this sign and chosen as guides for others. The Age of Aquarius for Aquarius is a period of hard trials and, at the same time, a great help from the Higher Forces, who recognized Aquarius as predictors of the concepts of the future. They will be the first to introduce the latest technologies, developing at a huge pace. The Age of Aquarius is a new world in which we will have to learn to live everything, without exception.

And those born under this sign need to learn more and be leaders, their main tasks: