The combination of the signs of the zodiac

Do you believe that horoscopes made up of millions of people born under this sign can be equally reliable for everyone? We believe that it is unlikely. However, horoscopes are a general characteristic, a set of qualities typical of most and mostly. Horoscopes are made according to the influence of celestial bodies on the constellation under which you were born. But since on average each sign of the zodiac falls on a month, respectively, on each born, these luminaries will influence to a greater or lesser extent, and also the stars of other zodiacs can start to influence. In general, there is something to think about, but we will now ponder on the reliability of the combination of zodiac signs.

Benefits of love horoscopes

If you met an interesting man, and just by chance coincidence (perhaps fatal) have read the love combinations of the signs of the zodiac, you, of course, in the language will turn the question of his date of birth. Do not hold back, find out and ... be disappointed. If you like the young man will be just from the column "completely incompatible", you can even lose interest in him, or constantly be tormented by doubts. Is this the task of horoscopes?

The combination of people by the sign of the zodiac was not created in order to dictate you with whom to be, and with whom not, but in order to understand your half more, even if it is incompatible with you. In our power to cross through your horoscope and your destiny, only we can make harmonious relationships that have been astrologically recognized as far from perfect.

Your general horoscope will help you to look at the problems in the relationship, understand their essence and find solutions. That is, to discover a partner as a literary character - painted to the smallest detail. This, of course, is certainly useful.

One of the variants of the compatibility of signs is as follows:


Another interesting opportunity to learn about compatibility is the elements. Each sign corresponds to one of four elements:

Now let's see a combination of elements of the zodiac signs.

Fire is compatible with Fire. Such relations will be harmonious and long-term. Also, Fire has the ability to be compatible with Air. Fire depends on Air, but the relationship will continue as long as Air needs a warming up of the Fire. As soon as Air "overheats", relations are destroyed. Water and Earth "extinguish" the Fire and are incompatible with it.

Water is compatible with Air, Water and Earth. The air is necessary for water to enrich with oxygen, Water - Water for fresh flow, the Earth can be compatible only with a strong, productive Water that will grind the Earth. And Fire will bring Water to a boil, it is fatal.

Air can, having become heated and passing into a new quality, cooperate with Fire. Water is necessary for Air for humidity, and Air with Air will merge and dissolve into each other. The relationship of Air and Earth in everything will depend on Air.

The Earth with Fire can only be combined in a moderate amount. Water is necessary for the Earth, just like the Air. And the union of the Earth with the Earth can lead to an increase in their overall well-being.

In such an unpretentious way, you can determine the influence and dominance of elements in your pair yourself. And to determine the classic combination of signs of the zodiac below is a table.

Perfect combination

If you find information about the enviable, the most harmonious, inextricable and safe pairs of the world, and also to know their zodiacs, perhaps you will not find a single perfect combination of zodiac signs . The reason is that harmonious relations deserve only those people who scrupulously work on them, because the union of two people is the best ground for everyone's self-development.