How do the signs of the zodiac fall in love?

In life too often happens that different people perceive the same thing, action, words in a radically different way. Needless to say, such a diverse perception of the same can be the cause of fatal differences, especially if it is a relationship of a man and a woman.

Do you think that you are neglected, do not pay attention, deprived of affection? And your man at the same time can think that he is doing everything in the best way, just as he would like to be treated. This is the catch: men and women perceive differently, like love, and the concept of harmonious, ideal relationships.

It is very important to realize from the very beginning who you are dealing with. Therefore, it is necessary to manage, even on the first date, delicately and without visible intent, to find out the sign of the zodiac of his chosen one. Let's spend a short digression on the theme of how the zodiac signs fall in love, how they admit to love and what to expect from them.

Lovely Signs

  1. Aries - in love is not romantic. If love really penetrated into his heart, I will not eat the ram before the honeymoon months and dances under the full moon. As a practical man, he immediately went to look for a highly paid job, because now it is necessary to provide for the family.
  2. Taurus - fall in love only in a man with excellent taste, that is, someone who understands on the move, how perfect he is, unsurpassed and great. And if this sign of the zodiac is in love, wait for the serenade under the windows.
  3. Twins are such a passionate nature that they can not always remember who they were in love with yesterday. A twin is recognized in love very simply - all his appearance shows that your society is pleasant to him, and even if he says the words of love, remember - they are effective only for today.
  4. Cancers - for cancer to fall in love, he must know that he has a competitor. He is not suitable for something that is not in demand. But being in love, he can turn into the most sentimental person on earth - to give you all the stars of the sky and write the suffering verses "into the box".
  5. The lion is a solar nature, and this says all about how in love this sign of the zodiac. He absorbs his love object entirely, but not jealous, because there is no one in the world more brilliant than him. The lion will win, give expensive gifts and preferably, with the audience.
  6. Virgo is the sign that, falling in love, will begin to improve its pair in everything. If the finished result is not to the liking of a maiden, he will immediately find another object for improvement.
  7. Libra - when the scales have won the heart of their beloved, they immediately lose interest, because they do not know what to do with this love. The heart of the scales is large and loving, and therefore they are taken for the conquest of someone else.
  8. Scorpios - do not need reciprocity, quite the contrary, mutual love immediately destroys any interest of this sign. Therefore, if you want to be next to a scorpion, you should always pour oil on the fire and do not show that you were subdued.
  9. Sagittarius falls in love with a man who is able to provide him with quality friendship and sex. For archers, the main thing is to have someone to spend a vacation with and have a good time. Do not wait for the archer to "love to the grave" - ​​it oppresses him, but the declaration of love for this sign is easy, relaxed and moderately romantic.
  10. Capricorn falls in love, if the chosen one is approved by the whole family. He is not sentimental, and if in his the soul is a drop of romance, for no reason will it demonstrate in public. Serenade do not wait, but in love you are recognized modestly and tastefully - just give a ring with a diamond for dinner in a restaurant.
  11. Aquarius does not fall in love spontaneously, for him, love is the fruit of a long "sniffing" and if, after weighing all the pros and cons, you are approved, count on a kind friendship rather than stormy love.
  12. Pisces - if you are a skillful angler, then in your power to conquer the fish. In order for the fish to fall in love, it should be caught, and then he will love your whole life from his aquarium.