Sign of the zodiac Pisces - a characteristic of men and women

Astrology is an interesting science, thanks to which every person has the opportunity to learn about others and about themselves a lot of important information. The sign of the zodiac Pisces is the last in the zodiacal circle and it refers to the elements of Water. He manages two planets, which explains the existence of conflicting characteristics.

Sign of the zodiac Pisces - a characteristic of a woman

To add a detailed portrait of the fair sex, born under the auspices of this sign, you need to analyze the horoscope.

  1. Woman Fish is feminine and romantic in nature. She has good taste , so she always looks perfect.
  2. With the finances of the fair sex, the relationship does not add up, because they do not solve financial problems and can not save. Thus the sign of the zodiac Pisces loves luxury and tries to surround her with all the spheres of his life.
  3. Such a woman is demanding of people around her, so she has very few friends in her circle. If a person fails even once, she will never have anything to do with him. Slaves - a sign that never forgives offenses and at an opportunity, he will certainly avenge the insult. To friendship such women are taken very seriously, and they are ready at any time to give wise advice, but at the same time, her friend or friend should periodically take on the role of "psychologist".
  4. Representatives of this sign are waiting for their prince, so they do not exchange for casual affair and are waiting for real love. They love emotionally, do not hesitate to show their feelings. For Pisces in sex, prelude and romance are important.
  5. A woman becomes a good mother, and the children will consider her his girlfriend and mentor. For the Pisces, the spiritual development of the child is of great importance, so she allows him to manifest himself in different spheres, which often leads to the fact that the child grows spoiled.

Woman Pisces - compatibility with other signs

Strong and happy relationships such ladies can build with Cancers, and connects their mutual desire to create a strong and stable marriage. Having the sign of the zodiac Pisces, a woman can be happy next to a man, the Virgin, who will become for her a stone wall. She has good compatibility with Taurus, who will strive to surround the woman with warmth and care. Poor compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Pisces and Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Sign of the zodiac Pisces male - characteristic

To understand what a man is, born under the auspices of this sign, it is worth considering the main characteristics:

  1. The main character traits that describe the man Fish: softness, touchiness, sensitivity and compassion. He often inexplicably changes his mood. It has great potential, but at the same time for its realization the Fish must be constantly stimulated and nudged. The man is used to go with the flow and he expects a lucky coincidence.
  2. Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac Pisces points to shortcomings, so the most common is impracticality. Representatives of this sign do not know how to react quickly to changes in circumstances. The man is touchy, but at the same time he quickly calms down.
  3. Representatives of this sign are difficult to build a career in large teams and become a leader to them, most likely not succeed, but all because of a lack of determination and arrogance.
  4. In love, the Pisces man seeks stability and security, so jealousy for him is unacceptable. With him will be able to get along a woman who has patience and is ready to be in the relationship the main thing.

Man Pisces - compatibility with other signs

Being together with representatives of this sign is not easy, but if a woman understands what is going on, then one can count on a long and strong union. Good compatibility with other signs Pisces have with Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. Relationships in such pairs will be filled with love and passion. Complicated and in most cases, a disastrous relationship will be with representatives of the sign Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius.

What planet is the sign of the zodiac Pisces?

Such people among the planets have two patrons - Jupiter and Neptune. These are the two largest planets in the solar system and each of them causes special qualities in Pisces.

  1. Neptune . Empowers people with sensitivity, helping to get away from earthly problems. This planet gives the person psychic activity, supernatural abilities and intuition. Fish have a strong craving for mystery and hypersensitivity.
  2. Jupiter . From this planet the representatives of this sign receive such qualities as generosity, justice, nobility, kindness and love of pleasures. The planet of the Pisces sign gives man strength, and he feels fullness within himself. Jupiter saturates with faith, which helps to move forward.

What tree at the Pisces sign?

Each person has plants from which you can get energy. It is recommended to have patron trees on site or at least walk in the park where they grow.

  1. Pine tree . This tree is suitable for men born under the auspices of Pisces, so it gives strength to persistently achieve the set goals. Regularly in contact with the pine, a man can be successful regardless of the nature of the activity.
  2. Willow . This tree for the sign of the zodiac Pisces is suitable for its sensual energy. It gives people a romantic and rich imagination. Thanks to such a patron Pisces will always find an occasion for joy.
  3. Lime tree . People with such a patron are loved, but they often show jealousy. Having next to a talisman made of limes, Pisces will always feel psychological comfort. Wherever they are, there is always the feeling that they are at home.

Stones for the sign of the zodiac Pisces

If you focus on the energy of stones, then each person will be able to pick up a talisman that will help to suppress negative character traits and improve good ones. Can choose a man or woman Fish stone by the sign of the zodiac among the following options:

  1. Opal . The amulet with this stone will help to establish family relations, and he will also protect from ill-wishers. If you regularly wear jewelry with opal, then the person becomes stamina and morally balanced.
  2. Heliodorus . Such a stone gives joy, optimism and hope. People who wear such a talisman are always in a good mood. Heliodor is able to open up the potential, and he also stimulates to career growth.
  3. Moonstone . Jewelry with this mineral can calm a person. With their help you can quickly cope with a bad mood and stressful condition.
  4. Aquamarine . Jewelry with this stone is capable of smoothing down shortcomings, and they induce self-esteem. Having such a talisman, a person becomes more bold and fair.

Diseases of the sign Pisces

This sign of the zodiac is vulnerable places of foot, skin and nervous system. To provoke problems with health can deep inner feelings and different dependencies. People born under the sign of Pisces, face liver and GI. Often there are diseases and inflammatory processes in the lungs and they can immediately catch a cold. It is worth noting that representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces do not take good care of their health, so they are often in a hospital bed.

Karma of the signs of the zodiac Pisces

It is believed that the sign is karmic, and it means a rich life experience, accumulated in previous incarnations. In this life he has to cope with his own prejudices in order to continue development. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and, according to karmic incarnations, he is endowed with good intuition, but at the same time prone to depression and addictions.

  1. One of the important tasks for representatives of this sign is to realize the importance of self-sacrifice. To become happy, Pisces must work on themselves to cope with negative traits of character and learn to give love to other people.
  2. The sign of the zodiac Pisces has another karmic task - to use his innate ability to see both material and spiritual in all life spheres.
  3. It is important to realize that the task is to save only yourself, and not the surrounding people, in this karmic incarnation.

Zodiacal food Pisces

To ensure that the representatives of this sign feel healthy and are not afraid for extra pounds, it is recommended to use the following nutrition recommendations:

  1. Diet for the sign of the zodiac Pisces necessarily includes the consumption of white meat, fish and dairy products.
  2. It is necessary to reduce the amount of spicy and spicy food, since it will negatively affect the state of health.
  3. It is useful to include apples in your menu, and to maintain micronutrients you need nuts.
  4. In the diet must necessarily include products that are rich in iron and potassium, for example, liver, buckwheat porridge , seafood and so on.

Sign of the zodiac Pisces - profession

The best sphere for realizing the potential is art. Zodiac sign Fish by nature has a talent, so he is recommended to pay attention to creative directions: music, literature, painting and so on. Thanks to original thinking, he will be able to realize himself in the design work. Suitable profession of the sign of Pisces: philosopher and sociologist. They have an innate desire for something unusual, so they can successfully realize themselves in astrology, palmistry and yoga.

Celebrities born under the sign of Pisces

For the description of each representative of the zodiacal circle, one can cite as an example a huge number of famous personalities who prove that it is possible to reach great heights, the main thing is the desire and constant work on oneself. Famous people under the sign of Pisces, who were born in Russia: Anna Semenovich, Andrei Mironov, Natalya Vodyanova, Yuri Gagarin, Andrei Panin and others. In Hollywood there are also many celebrities born under the auspices of this sign, for example, Justin Bieber, Daniel Craig, Eva Longoria, Steve Jobs, Sharon Stone and Rihanna.