Family Relationships

The life of each of its members depends on the relationships that develop in the family. This especially applies to the younger generation. After all, the model of their future family happiness is pawned with the first steps and is based on the already existing mutual relations of the mother and father, both with respect to each other and their children.

Types of family relations

  1. Democratic relations in the family . In the world of parents who prefer some kind of freedom with limitations, the child is, in the first place, a friend. They communicate with him on an equal footing. It is unlikely that you will hear: "No, you will do it, because I said so." Here there is equality. Already from an early age, a child is treated with respect. It is because of this, when he grows up, he knows what it means to observe subordination, to be able to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting it. Parents willingly give their child freedom of choice, but do not think that if a teenager said that he wants to start smoking because his friends, mother and father do it with pleasure, they will approve. No, they always carry out tacit control. The method of sharp refusals and precepts is rejected. They communicate with him as an adult person, explaining how he can harm his health with such an addiction. It should be noted that relations in such a family prepare children for the conditions of real life.
  2. Authoritarianism . It is not ruled out that in such a family nest a single parent who, not only is faced with severe life difficulties, but also fulfills the functions of both father and mother. Or both parents are people of professions who require a lot of discipline from them. So, there can be no talk of any harmonious relations in such a family. The kid obeys, and they order. If he tries to appeal something, then in a moment he will regret it. It is believed that the most effective method of a whip. It is difficult for children to imagine what a heart-to-heart talk is.
  3. "Anarchy is the mother of order . " Sometimes interpersonal relations in this family are called democratic, but it is more appropriate to call them pseudo-democratic. Permissiveness is the main thing that reigns in the home atmosphere. As a result, children grow up to be selfish, not capable of empathy .