How to make a guy think of you?

There is one secret, how to make a guy think about you all the time. It's interesting to him, it's kind of so simple, but how to implement it?

For this you need to become interesting to yourself. Find classes to your liking, meet with friends, communicate, attend social events, become an actress in a drama circle or arrange an exhibition of your own photo works. Believe me, this is much more effective than sitting at home and thinking, "how to make a guy think about me," but do nothing.

In any case, you will now have more chances to meet him more often, to communicate. And if suddenly he calls and asks: "What are you doing?", You certainly will find something to answer, and will not say something unintelligible in the tube.

You can use the female charm. If you learn how to use it correctly, a little man will stand before him.

How to make a guy think of you?

  1. Flirt with him . Of course, the stick does not need to be bent, however, to make it clear that you are cute to him, it will not hurt. Well, nice to smile when he accidentally catches your eye.
  2. Give him compliments . Praise him for something specific, say "thank you" for your attention or assistance. Just do not confuse with flattery.
  3. Do business with him . In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems. A young man, for sure, it will be interesting to organize an exhibition of your photos or fix a broken laptop , or something else.
  4. Be a mystery . Do not rush to share an autobiography with him from birth. If he knows everything about you, he can become bored. On the contrary, try to ask more questions about him and listen.

How to make a former guy think of you?

And what if the former guy, you broke up with him, but you understand that you still have fun with him? How to direct his thoughts to his side? And here there are a couple of effective methods:

How to make a guy think of you with magic?

If you tried all the methods and included all your charm, but it did not help, you can resort to the help of magic .

To do this, you need a picture of a guy and a red thread with a needle. Write your names on the photo, sew the heart of the guy with a thread and say: "Your heart is tied with a red thread. Love me (the name of the guy), think about me . "

If this does not help, do not despair. Believe me, there must be someone who will not only interest you, but you will also!