Black and White Tattoos

To make a tattoo today would not refuse, perhaps, every second of the fair sex. It's stylish, original and most importantly - a unique way to emphasize your personality. As practice shows, all those who decide to decorate their bodies face one problem: what to give preference - black and white or colored tattoos. The choice, in fact, is not easy and very responsible, because it is much more difficult to get a picture that does not fit than to fill it. Therefore, everything needs to be considered carefully and in advance.

Advantages of black and white tattoo

Monochrome drawings on the body have a lot of advantages. And below we give only a few of the main ones:

  1. Of course, the main advantage of a black and white tattoo in front of a color tattoo is its cost. Indeed, a monochrome tattoo is made cheaper, but this does not mean that it is rustic in performance and will look unpresentable.
  2. Some tattoos simply can not be made in color, and any master will tell you about it. A vivid example is ethnic tattoos. If you make them in color, the meaning of the picture will be completely lost.
  3. Another weighty argument is that black and white tattoos will burn out much longer than their colorful counterpart. And accordingly, the drawing does not have to be interrupted too often.

Original sketches of black and white tattoos

Monochrome can make any drawing, and the lack of bright colors in no way will not spoil the overall picture. In the end, black and white photographs made all the images monochrome. And what is characteristic - this type of photography remains popular to this day.

The above-mentioned symbolic ethnic tattoos look best in black and white. Small or large-scale - it does not matter. For many, they really become amulets and help in life.

The most popular sketches of female tattoos are:

Fine and self-sufficient look sketches of a tattoo with a picture of black and white flowers. Made by a professional in their field, they can look even better than multicolored bouquets.

Representatives of the stronger sex prefer more brutal and large tattoos with the image of wild animals, scenes from films, battle scenes.

One of the most suitable places for black and white tattoos is on the shoulder. In general, monochrome drawings look great on any part of the body.