How to feed a pug?

You have a charming puppy of a pug, and you do not know what to feed him? The following tips will help you in this difficult issue.

First, decide what kind of feed you are going to feed your pet: natural or ready. Opinions of veterinarians differ on this issue. Some of them believe that in the ready forage contains all nutrients necessary for the pug. Others argue that only natural fresh meat, various cereals and dairy products are useful. Feed the pug with ready-made food is much more convenient: poured food into the bowl and everything. But with the preparation of natural food will have to tinker. So it's up to you how to feed the pug better.

What to feed puppy pugs?

At the breeder, you have to find out which brand of food he fed, and when you come home, you need to give the puppy the same food. And if you consider that each producer of dog food releases them for different ages, then it will not be difficult for you to choose the necessary diet for a pug.

One month old pug puppy must be fed five to six times a day, from three to six months of the pups fed four times a day, and after six months and up to a year - three times a day. After the grown-up puppy turns one year old, it is necessary to translate it into the regime of feeding an adult dog - twice a day.

Pug , like any other dog, is by nature a predator. So, in its diet should predominate products of protein origin: poultry meat , lamb, beef, rabbit, fish, by-products (necessarily boiled), sour-milk products. Sometimes you can give quail eggs. Puppies puppies should be provided with repaired raw meat pits. Boiled bones are strictly forbidden to pugs, as can not be given to pork. For puppies pug porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice - you need to cook on milk, fish or meat broth. As the puppy grows up, milk must be excluded from the diet, as it is no longer absorbed by the dog's body.

How to feed an adult pug?

An adult pug, except those products that have already been listed, can be fed with stewed or raw vegetables, fruits and even small slices of cheese - this is a treat for them! If necessary, give the pug a salted or dried fish. Always the dog should have clean water. In order for the pug to have a good appetite, he needs to walk a lot and actively move.

And now it is important to find out what can not feed the pug? Pug is a dog that loves to eat, but does not know the measure and is prone to overeating. Therefore, the owner should strictly limit the amount of food for his pet and do not spoil various handouts. Do not forget that just like a person, excess weight in a pug can lead to serious illnesses. You can not include in the diet pug beans, potatoes, bread, fatty meat and various sweets.

Carefully watch the food of your pug, and he will grow healthy and active for the joy of his masters.