Lower back pain

Pain in the lumbar region to the left is a common phenomenon that most people have encountered, but this symptom is especially common for middle-aged and elderly people. Such painful sensations can have a different origin, therefore, not having found out the reason, it is impossible to be engaged in treatment of this problem, especially independently.

Causes of low back pain

The causes that provoke pain on the left side of the waist can be divided into five groups:

  1. Mechanical injuries and diseases of the osteoarticular system - pain caused by stretching of muscles or interarticular ligaments, compression fracture of the spine, injuries to the intervertebral joints, microtraumas of the vertebrae, postural disorders (kyphosis, scoliosis), osteochondrosis, etc.
  2. Infections - pain caused by infectious diseases such as endocarditis, spine osteomyelitis, tuberculosis spondylitis, purulent discitis, epidural abscess, influenza, infectious inflammation of internal organs located near this part of the body.
  3. Onkozabolevaniya - pain that occurs with metastases in the spine, myeloma, lymphomas, lipogranulomatosis, malignant tumors of various internal organs.
  4. Metabolic disorders - pain caused by osteomalacia, hemochromatosis, osteoporosis, alkaptonuria and other diseases associated with the disorder of metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Psychogenic and neurogenic factors are pains that occur with deforming ostosis, fibromyalgia, shingles, etc.

Back pain in case of back problems

Drawing, dull pain in the lower back on the back often occurs with a sedentary lifestyle, forced to stay in the same position for a long time. It can also appear with excessive physical exertion. As a rule, these painful sensations, if they are not associated with inflammatory processes, subside after rest.

Calling the pulling pain of this localization can spondylolisthesis - displacement of the vertebra. In this case, there is also a decrease in the motor activity of the lumbar region, and sometimes - numbness or tingling in the legs.

A strong, sharp pain in the lower back is characterized by a lumbago , which can be caused by lumbar hernia, rheumatic diseases, prolapse of the intervertebral disc, etc. Such pain is aggravated by movement, tension, coughing, deep inspiration.

Pain in the left side of the waist during walking or running can indicate an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, a pear-shaped muscle syndrome. If sharp lumbar pain on the left gives into the leg or buttock, the cause of this can be a lesion of the nerve roots of the lower lumbar region.

Back pain in diseases of internal organs

Pain in the lumbar region to the left often indicates various pathologies of internal organs, among which:

A sharp, stitching pain in the lower back on the left can show an attack of urolithiasis. This pathology is also characterized by a violation of urination, an increase in body temperature.

The pathology of the left kidney is characterized by constant dull, aching pain in the lumbar region to the left. Often pain sensations irradiate into the lower abdomen, in the hypochondrium.

Dull back pain, combined with abdominal pain, in women can talk about the uterine myoma , localized in its muscle layer. In this case, pain is often the only symptom of the disease.

When inflammation of the ovaries of a different nature, continuous pain localized in the lower abdomen can also give to the waist from the side of the lesion. This disease, as a rule, is accompanied by secretions, pain during intercourse, violation of the menstrual cycle.