Yeast is good and bad

Officially yeast was discovered in 1857 by microbiologist Pasteur, but it has already been proved that even in ancient Egypt people used yeast to make bread. By the 19th century, scientists had identified the benefits and harms of yeast and this product was widely used for baking bread and making beer. In the modern food industry, the most popular types of yeast are used, such as baking, fresh, dried, beer, dairy, pressed, food, etc.

Benefit and harm of baker's yeast

Baking yeast is the most common type of yeast, they can be found in almost every store.



Benefits and Harms of Dry Yeast

Dry yeast are real "long-livers", because in a closed package they can be stored for up to two years, and all their medicinal properties are preserved.


Not recommended when:

Benefits and harm of food yeast

Food yeast is sold, usually in the form of tablets, flakes and powder and are an excellent addition to various dishes.

