Depressive syndrome

Mental disorders have become too "popular" in recent times: some people "earn" mental disorders with their own hands , constantly looking for symptoms and predispositions, others, just inspiring themselves with the presence of the disease, because it is so "original." In fact, even when faced with a depressive syndrome (not the most terrible mental disorder), it is no longer laughing at all.


Symptoms of the depressive syndrome create a kind of triad:

Hypotenia is the main sign of the presence of the disease. The patient complains of sadness, sadness, grief, but the reaction is not quite healthy: with joyful news a person will not perk up, and a new blow of fate will not impress.

Decreased mood is accompanied by mental retardation - the phrases become simple, incoherent, the patient answers questions slowly, can not solve the simplest logical tasks. With a nervously depressed syndrome, people often fall into a motor stupor - they always stretch their arms and legs, or they sit with their heads on their hands, and their elbows resting against their knees.


Very often depressive syndrome appears in schizophrenia as one of the symptoms and consequences. This fact not only complicates the course of the disease, exacerbating mental disorders, but also leads to a constant manifestation in patients with suicidal attempts with more or less success.

Depressively delusional syndrome

Another type of depressive disorder is depressive delusional syndrome. The disease is characterized by a mania of persecution, fantastic dreams, fears, torments and imaginary dangers that threatens the patient and his relatives.

With all this, the patient shows considerable ingenuity, using any minor error of those who are watching him (medical staff, or family members) in order to dodge and commit a suicidal attempt.

Manic Depressive Syndrome

Bipolar personality disorder or manic depressive syndrome is characterized by the presence of two extremes - apathy with a sharp transition to nervous excitement. Borderline disorders become a kind of protective reaction of the psyche to conflict with the environment, while depression means acceptance of the inevitable, and mania is a sharp denial and struggle with the world.