Drug "Fen" - the consequences of using amphetamine

Amphetamine compounds as substances used to obtain drug satisfaction, became popular several decades ago. With relatively cheap cost and high concentration, the "fen" drug caused a real epidemic of severe addictions at the end of the 20th century.

What is a "fen" drug?

Amphetamine is considered a derivative product of such a substance as phenylethylamine - the strongest neuromodulator provoking the strongest mental dependence. This psychoactive substance is limited in turnover in most countries of the world, but in countries with poorly developed medicine it is still sometimes prescribed as an anesthetic or anesthesia during surgery. Amphetamine is a stimulant that accelerates communication between the body and the brain and has the following symptoms:

Amphetamine - composition

For the first time this synthetic substance was invented in 1887, but then its effect on the human psyche was inconsistent and irregular. In 1932, German scientists studied the scheme, explaining what amphetamine is made of, and modified it for a more powerful release of neurotransmitters in each application. The drug was added to the medical reference books as a psychostimulant. Today every drug addict knows what the "fen" drug is made from, but not all of them can create it themselves. Its production is a complex synthesis of three basic components:

What is the difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine?

Both chemical compounds have a similar principle of action on the human body and the same method of obtaining a ready-to-use drug. Amphetamine and methamphetamine can be distinguished only one feature of the chemical formula. A methyl radical is added to the second substance. If amphetamine is more popular in European countries, provided it is completely banned, then in the US methamphetamine is sold in a prescription drugstore. Physicians-psychologists appoint him with obsessive thoughts and depressive states.

What does a "fen" drug look like?

The main interest of drug dealers and "black" pharmacists is the saving on raw materials. For the sake of it they are ready to go to the trick: they reduce the concentration of pure substance or even sell under its appearance another drug in the expectation that not every addict can say with confidence how amphetamine looks. It can be distinguished from other drugs due to such characteristics as:

  1. Form release - in the form of tablets, capsules, crystals or fine powder.
  2. The way of packing - the preparation is packed in foil, plastic bags or small balls of paper.
  3. The color scheme - the drug "fen" may have a white, light brown, yellow or purple hue.
  4. A smell - it either is absent at all, or has sourish chords in aroma.

How do they use a "fen" drug?

Tablet form, which is used for medical purposes, requires taking on an empty stomach and drinking with a lot of water. For drug addicts, this form of administration is uncomfortable: amphetamine is a drug that is slowly absorbed when used concomitantly with a liquid. Therefore, people who suffer from addiction prefer other ways of introducing the substance into the blood:

How does the "fen" drug work?

Amphetamine belongs to the category of drugs, on slang of addicts called "spids" for their ability to invigorate and speed up the reaction to what is happening around. "Fen" deprives drowsiness and increases working capacity, reducing the pain threshold of a person. The effect of amphetamine is also in the following aspects:

What is the danger of a "fen" drug?

In nature, there is no drug that is harmless to health. Even US medical doctors who prescribe it in case of depression always warn the patient about a certain risk. Harm of amphetamine can be noticeable after half an hour after application. Among the common side effects:

How to move away from amphetamine?

Even an addict with experience can err with the dose or purposefully use an increased concentration of the drug, which will cause withdrawal symptoms . Amphetamine ("fen", as it is also called) with an overdose causes prolonged hallucinations and pre-infarction, so it is advised to seek treatment from an expert in narcology or emergency ambulance. If there is no opportunity to use the services of a professional, you can try to get away from amphetamine by improvised methods:

  1. Taking a large dose of vitamin C. At a single hit in the blood of at least 10 daily portions of the drug after 40-60 minutes, there comes a relief from the narcotic overdose.
  2. Neutralization with calcium . A drug such as a "fen" ceases to work with the assimilation of calcium compounds with vitamin D3.
  3. Alcohol . Whiskey, vodka and other types of strong alcoholic drinks can remove an overdose, but they have a toxic effect on the liver.

How to remove amphetamine from the body?

The key stage of healing from such a serious dependence is the cleansing necessary for the amphetamine in the blood to first decrease to the minimum values, and then completely removed together with the urine. The first and most difficult condition for detox is the complete refusal to use the substance in opposition to the addictive effect and the desire to use another dose for the sake of short-term pleasure. When an addict who is able to spend 4-5 days without a drug, proceed to this method of removing the remnants of the drug:

  1. Purification of the digestive tract. Knowing how much amphetamine is kept in the blood (at least 7 days), detox doctors recommend starting with the washing of the stomach and intestines. Reception of activated carbon as a sorbent, setting a saliva enema and washing with potassium permanganate in home or hospital conditions is enough to alleviate the symptoms.
  2. Acceleration of the excretory system. Confident of how much amphetamine is kept in the urine, doctors say that it can be withdrawn 2-3 times faster, provided there is plenty of drinking and taking diuretics. These are diuretics that stimulate the work of the kidneys and the elimination of toxins naturally.

Amphetamine - the consequences

The deplorable results of using a synthetic drug and forced progressive medicine to abandon its use and withdraw it from legal sale. Unfortunately, not all the processes caused by it are reversible: that an overdose of amphetamine, that its regular application disperse the nervous system of a person, and that intensively stimulates almost all parts of the brain. Even after giving up the drug, intensive burning of the body's internal resources, both mental and physical, continues. Other effects of amphetamine use include:

  1. A bursting feeling of excess energy . The addict has hyperactivity, because of what he literally can not sit in one place longer than 10-15 seconds.
  2. Blurring the scope of reality . The feeling of fearlessness and excessive self-confidence deprive man of the instinct of self-preservation and can lead to an accident.
  3. Death of brain cells . Long-term abuse becomes detrimental to gray matter cells: the process of their renewal slows down, which is why some departments of this body can spontaneously "switch off". There are seizures and seizures, spontaneous blindness and deafness.
34 years old - 40 years old
21 years old - 29 years old
29 years old - 31 years old
22 years - 33 years
45 years - 54 years

22 years - 23 years