The biggest cat in the world

In the world there are many unusual animals - rare, stunningly beautiful and intelligent. Even the most ordinary and customary cats can surprise you. It turns out that on our planet there are real giant cats that live happily together with a person under one roof.

Maine Coon

The breed of the largest cats in the world is called Maine Coon or Maine coon cat. The birthplace of this animal is North America. Initially, the distinctive features of this breed were: large cat size, black color, long coat and similarity with the raccoon. Later, the breed began to include cats and other color. The largest cat in the world weighs about 15 kilograms. He belongs to the Maine Coon breed. The length of the animal is more than 1 meter. Photos of the largest cats of this breed decorate the packaging of various products for animals.

Externally, the Maine Coon cat resembles a small trot. The character of this animal is soft and complaisant, despite its frightening appearance. Distinctive features of the nature of these largest domestic cats:

Those who are not embarrassed by the large size of a cat will easily find a common language with it. Cats of this breed get on well with children and quickly become universal favorites. The animal does not require any additional care and is unusually clean. Some cats of this largest breed are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.


Cats belonging to the savanna breed are large. Representatives of this breed are short-haired and have a spotty color. Cats of the Savannah breed are graceful and stunningly beautiful. These animals are rare, so they are not very common as pets. The size of the savannah cats is impressive - as a rule, adult individuals grow up to 2.5 times larger than ordinary, domestic cats.

The nature of these giant cats is quite unpredictable. These animals were withdrawn from wild felids, so at home they do not always feel comfortable. Cat Savannah is able to make a jump of 3.5 meters high, so a small apartment is not for her. These animals do not tolerate the cold, because their homeland is Africa. Another disadvantage of keeping these cats at home is that they need to be walked only on a leash. Representatives of this breed, being on the street without a lead, tend to escape. And to catch this deft animal, which perfectly climbs trees, is not easy. In addition, the savanna cat is capricious, and taking care of them takes a long time. Given their high cost, allow themselves to contain such animals can only very wealthy people who can provide the cat necessary for a comfortable life space.

The photo shows one of the biggest house cats of the savannah breed.

Cats of traditional domestic breeds - Siberian, Russian, Persian and others, also, in some cases, reach huge sizes. The largest domestic cats can overtake the size of their brothers 1.5 times. As a rule, the reason for such a large size is excessive food. However, veterinarians warn that cats that are too thick for their breed are characterized by poor health and short life expectancy. This should be remembered by the owners, since the animal, suffering from obesity, brings a lot of trouble to its owner and its guests.