The first conclusions of the investigation and cremation of Prince

The remains of Prince, whose death became known on Thursday, were cremated, Western media wrote. The mourning event was closed, it was attended only by native American singer, close friends and colleagues. Meanwhile, the investigation has already made the first conclusions about the reasons for his death.

In the last way

According to Prince's wishes, left during his lifetime, and faith (he was Jehovah's Witness), his body was cremated without fuss and drama. Remembering the magnificent funeral of Michael Jackson, he did not want his funeral to turn into a show. It happened on Saturday in the Memorial chapel of Waterston. According to the price, cremation cost his family $ 1,645, journalists found out.

At the estate, where he lived the winner of the "Oscar", the devoted fans of the singer gathered. They were attached to the grid of the fence enclosing the complex, flowers, souvenirs and balloons of violet color (the favorite color of the legendary artist).

The paparazzi took a few photos, which captured the moment when the urn with Prince's ashes, covered with a black jacket, was carried into the car to take her to the place of his last rest.

Official conclusions

The funeral of the singer became possible after the forensic medical examination, which was made on Friday. Sheriff Carver Jim Olson held a press conference, voicing the version of the investigators about the death of the musician.

He said that the assumption of a celebrity suicide is untenable, as law enforcement officers found no evidence that Prince decided to die. Despite the fact that the final report of pathologists will be ready in a month, Olson said that there are no injuries and other traces of violence on the body of the singer. As for the version of a possible overdose, the sheriff could not give an unambiguous answer.

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We add, the younger sister of the performer Tike Nelson, who is the main heir of Prince's billionaire state, told that her brother, suffering from insomnia, did not actually sleep six days before his death.