Can I take Erespal and Proscan at the same time?

Treatment of certain diseases requires combination therapy, i.e. prescribing the simultaneous administration of several drugs. At the same time, specialists must take into account, whether the recommended medications are compatible, whether their parallel application will bring undesirable effects to the patient. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to take such drugs simultaneously as Erespal and Prospan, whether the prescription of such a combination of drugs is justified.

Erespal and Prospan at the same time

Erespal is a preparation for oral administration on the basis of fenspiride hydrochloride that selectively affects the tissues of the respiratory tract and ENT organs and has the following effects:

This drug is prescribed for infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (rhinopharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.), accompanied by swelling of the tissues, coughing, the formation of a thick secretion, as well as otitis and bronchial asthma. As a rule, he is appointed as part of complex therapy together with antipyretics , mucolytics, sometimes - antibiotics.

Propane is a herbal preparation for oral administration based on an extract of ivy leaves, which has the following effect:

It is recommended to use Prospan for diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by coughing and secretion of thick sputum.

The joint appointment of Erespal and Prospan is possible, because The effects of the drugs are based on various mechanisms and complement each other in the treatment of respiratory system diseases. It is also impossible to say unequivocally what is better - Proshpan or Erespal, and the questions about the use of each drug alone or about their joint admission should be decided only by the doctor.