Yatryshnik - medicinal properties and contraindications

Salep (orchis) is a magnificent plant with massive tubers. In nature, there are about fifty species of orchis. It is known that the tubers of this plant are tasteless, odorless. They contain a large number of valuable substances, thanks to which very well maintain the tone of the body. Even ancient Persians used salep (root orchis), dispensing for several days without food, thanks to its tonic and nutritional properties. As a medicinal herb, orchis also has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

Useful properties of the orcher

The root of the orchis contains many substances useful to the human body. Among them, mineral salts, proteins, about 30% of starch, and most importantly - mucus, consisting of mannan. Mannan is a high molecular weight polysaccharide that promotes tissue regeneration.

Grass of the orchard has valuable healing properties and is used in the therapy of such diseases as:

Forms of using an orchis

The decoction, which is prepared from the tubers of this plant (a young rootlet is used), has a gelatinous texture and is used even in the treatment of colic in infants .

External applied in the form of ointments for abscesses, purulent wounds. Strawberry leaves are used as a part of hair growth products.

Spirituous tincture of spotted orchid has specific medicinal properties and contraindications. It is used to restore (strengthen) the male force.

Here is one recipe: 1 tablespoon chopped young root orchis mixed with a slice of rye bread and pour 500 g of brandy alcohol, insisting in a dark place for 2 months, strain, squeeze raw materials, burn the cake and add the ash to the tincture. Take 1 teaspoonful 2 times a day before meals.

Contraindications in the use of the drug is not found, but it is not worth using, since the action of this plant on our organism has not been studied to the end.