Black cumin - application

Cumin has long been known not only as a botanical plant. He excellently showed himself as a medicinal raw material. In any form, caraway seeds increase the motor and secretory functions of the stomach. Also, the cumin broth is used as an antispasmodic, laxative and choleretic.

Seeds of black cumin - application

  1. Useful cumin fruit for breast-feeding moms, which contributes to a natural increase in lactation.
  2. When atony of the stomach, cumin is used as an appetizing remedy.
  3. Has laxative and carminative properties, which is well suited for use in constipation and flatulence.
  4. Useful for improving memory, if you use it with a teaspoon of honey.
  5. Good for removing warts with apple cider vinegar.
  6. Regular use of caraway will improve the skin color of the face.

Black seed oil seed - application

This oil has toning properties, while improving brain activity. It is useful to take cumin oil at constant mental loads, as well as during nervous work. The use of this product allows you to normalize urination and remove toxins from the body. It has expectorant properties, therefore, cumin oil is recommended for colds and strong coughs. With bronchitis, rubbing with oil is used as an external application. It is strictly forbidden to use any kind of black cumin oil in pregnant women.

Black cumin oil - method of application

Use this oil, usually for preventive and curative purposes. It also improves immunity and is recommended for use in the following dosages:

Cumin oil is consumed in the morning 30 minutes after eating. If desired, it can be mixed with fruit juices, yogurt or honey. This course of treatment lasts no more than 4 months. After a two-month break, treatment can be repeated.

Black cumin - application for weight loss

This plant is adopted not only to maintain health, but also to maintain the figure. To improve the shape, we need all the same caraway oil. To achieve the best result, its standard application can be doubled. There is a special scheme for taking this oil:

  1. During the first week should exclude flour and potatoes from the diet, as well as take 1 teaspoon with a glass of water before breakfast.
  2. The second week begins with 1 teaspoon of oil and a glass of water before breakfast and dinner every day.
  3. In the third week, take two tablespoons of butter and two glasses of water before breakfast.
  4. The fourth week is characterized by taking 1 teaspoon of butter before breakfast together with a glass of water.
  5. The second month of the diet passes without receiving water, and the oil is taken in the same scheme before breakfast only on a tablespoon.
  6. On the third and fourth week of the second month, oil intake is increased up to three times a day before meals. If desired you can still drink a glass of water in the morning.

Since the use of black cumin is common not only for medicinal purposes, but also in cosmetology, it is still widely used for cooking delicious dishes in cooking. In beauty salons, caraway seeds are used for relaxing and therapeutic massages, moisturizing masks and many other cosmetic procedures. When adding black cumin to different creams and masks, the fragrance improves, the action and absorbency of the agents intensify. Therefore cosmetologists use caraway seeds for rejuvenation and a beautiful complexion.