Laxatives of vegetable origin

Probably everyone faced constipation. There is an opinion that constipation is a serious problem, capable of passing by itself. In fact, this is a very big mistake. Constipation can cause intestinal dysbacteriosis, headaches, general deterioration of well-being, fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it. Than and how - we will consider in more detail.

When can I drink natural laxatives?

Before talking about what you can treat constipation, you need to understand where this problem comes from. Here are the main causes of disorders in the intestine:

Taking into account all these reasons, you can minimize the risk of constipation. And if the problem still appeared, then it should be treated with laxative drugs.

Laxatives of plant origin are considered the safest and most effective. In the pharmacy they can be purchased without a prescription. But even they should not be abused. It's one thing to take a laxative once in the five-year plan, and it's quite another to drink medicine every day. If constipation is a problem often enough, it is best to ask the advice of a professional.

Known vegetable laxatives

Natural laxatives of plant origin have been known to medicine for a very long time. They help quickly get rid of constipation, while doing minimal harm to the body. Most likely, some of the tools listed below will seem familiar to you:

  1. Wheat or oat bran can be used as an additive to food. They act very gently and have almost no contraindications.
  2. Class laxative remedy of plant origin is the root of rhubarb. In small doses rhubarb can produce a fixing effect. In general, the product acts gently, so it is often recommended even to children.
  3. Fruits zhostera act a few hours after ingestion. What is true, this remedy has many side effects.
  4. Aloe juice with honey is another known laxative of plant origin.

It is not surprising that on the basis of all the above and many other means, medical preparations have been developed. About them - below.

Effective herbal laxatives

A person suffering from constipation least of all wants to think about how to prepare a medicine for himself. Take a pill, a drop or a syrup much easier. Therefore, laxatives of vegetable origin are much more popular.


The drug, which is based on the buckthorn bark and anise. The effect of the drug begins eight hours after admission. Musinum is categorically contraindicated in pregnancy.


A medicine made on the basis of senna powder and plantain seed. This remedy can be taken to people suffering from chronic constipation.

Kafiol and Senadé

Laxatives of vegetable origin, the main active ingredient is senna grass . Medications are indicated for different types of constipation.


Drug medication, which absorbed the most useful properties of sea kale, which, as is known, has a strong laxative effect.


A product manufactured in the form of candles. The basis of the Rectative is a horse chestnut. This is one of the fastest-acting drugs, the effect comes in just a quarter of an hour after use.

All this is not a complete list of natural plant laxatives that effectively help with constipation.