The mammary gland is a cause of pain

Breast condition is one of the most important indicators of women's health, since it largely depends on the hormonal background in the body. That is why, if you have a chest pain, you need to find the causes of this discomfort as soon as possible. At the same time, without visiting a doctor who prescribes adequate treatment, you can not do it, but you can presume yourself why you are experiencing pain.

What can cause chest pain?

To determine the reasons why the breast gland is swollen and aching is not so difficult if you know the features of the functioning of the female body. Representatives of the fair sex often complain of such a symptom in the following cases:

  1. If you have to start another menstrual period soon and during this period you experience unpleasant pulling sensations in the chest, this may be due to a sharp increase in the level of progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. Such hormonal changes stimulate the growth of the breast glands and their swelling. This, in turn, leads to an increase in sensitivity and accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue. Thus, the reasons for which the breast gland has increased and hurts may be quite physiological and not require serious treatment.
  2. In pregnancy , chest pains are completely natural. For them, the hormone prolactin, stimulating the production of milk and colostrum after childbirth and late pregnancy. Therefore, do not be surprised why the breasts are sore, but there are no monthly ones: it is quite possible that you are already waiting for the baby. In this case, very often, the nipples are also painful, which increase in size. Also, the appearance of alveoli and the change in pigmentation are observed.
  3. It is very important to find out the reasons for which only the left breast gland hurts or, conversely, only the right breast. Often this is due to a serious disease - mastopathy in the late stages, in which cysts and dense nodules are formed in the tissues. Usually the pain in this case is strictly localized and concentrated in the nipple region, closer to its center. It can be described as a sharp, sometimes even unbearable. Be sure to visit the mammologist, especially if the pain is accompanied by redness and swelling of the skin, so as not to miss such a terrible disease as breast cancer.
  4. Sometimes the answer to the question of why it hurts exclusively the left or right breast gland is not easy to find. If you do not find anything serious, try to check for shingles. The virus of this infection never crosses the middle line of the body, so it is able to give such symptoms.
  5. In the postpartum period, chest pain is often a constant companion of a nursing mother. If not properly applied on the nipples, cracks appear, so that feeding can become a real torture for a woman. If the chest gland has turned red, and the body temperature has increased, most likely, you have mastitis. This disease manifests itself in the stagnation of milk or the penetration of harmful bacteria through microdamages of the nipple.
  6. You do not have to search long for the reasons why the thoracic gland hurts in the middle of the cycle. It's no secret that somewhere on the 12-14 day of the cycle, ovulation occurs . It is during this period that, due to hormonal changes in the body, a woman often experiences unpleasant sensations in the chest. Often this is used to determine the days that are favorable for conception.

In order to find out exactly why the lower abdomen and mammary glands are hurting, you should contact a gynecologist. Most likely, he will appoint an ultrasound, by which you can tell if you have endometriosis of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes.