How does the climax begin?

Under the climax, the general age changes are understood, when the processes occurring in the reproductive system of the female body stop first their childbearing and then menstrual function. These changes affect the life of any woman.

When does menopause begin in women?

The process takes place approximately at the age of 45-50 years. The woman begins to listen to herself and record all the changes in her body. In order not to be mistaken and to properly survive this time, you need to know how the climax begins and what are its signs.

How does the onset of menopause manifest?

The onset of changes in the body is accompanied by the following symptoms:

These so-called " hot flashes " are the first signs of the beginning menopause in women. They can be accompanied by excessive sweating, trembling of limbs, flickering flies before the eyes or spasms and muscle spasms.

This period of premenopause is called. Menstruation becomes irregular, and the discharge either decreases or increases. Changes also occur in the character of a woman who can become whiny, irritable, aggressive or depressed. This emotional instability is the hallmark of the coming hormonal changes.

However, the signs listed above can not only accompany the onset of menopause, but also a number of other diseases. Therefore, to more accurately understand the question of how to find out that the climax has begun, you can turn to the gynecologist. Remember that the doctor should be visited at least once every 6 months. It will be able to reliably determine if you have a climacteric period, and will make certain recommendations to facilitate its flow, taking into account your individual characteristics.

What to do when the climax begins?

Pay special attention to urogenital changes, accompanied by dryness in the vagina , itching, burning, frequent urination or frequent infections of the genitourinary system. At the same time, the aging of the skin is accelerated, the fragility of the nails increases, the hair falls out more and more deeper wrinkles appear.

Such phenomena are characteristic for menopause, the second stage of menopause, which marks the cardinal changes in the female body. During this period, estrogens cease to enter the body, as well as stop the menstruation. Also, the so-called test for menopause can help answer the question of how to determine if a climax has begun. With this test, you can fairly accurately determine the second stage of the onset of menopause.

The last stage of menopause is called postmenopause. She comes at the age of 50-54 years or about a year after the last menstrual period has ended. At this time, such diseases as disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system or osteoporosis may appear. They are provoked by the absence of sex hormones, as well as the profound restructuring of the endocrine system and the slow adaptation of the organism to new conditions.

Visit at the recommended time of the doctor. Examine the breasts regularly, because during the hormonal changes in the body there is a danger of occurrence of female diseases, which are better treated at the very beginning. Conduct a diagnosis for osteoporosis.

If you are overweight, gradually get rid of it. Eat low-calorie and eat vitamins. All these recommendations will help you cope with the inevitable process for any woman. If you have received confirmation that the menopause has begun, then you should take a very close look at your health during this period.