How to remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet?

Domestic pets who live with us in the apartment, give us great joy, but along with positive emotions, there are often unpleasant moments. One of these is the smell of cat urine.

Cats, in essence, are clean enough, they have an excellent sense of smell, so very often the problem is that the cat's tray is not cleaned in good time or in good faith.

Sometimes cat urine can get on the carpet , it is difficult to remove the smell from it, so before you solve this problem, it is worth to familiarize yourself with various ways.

The faster you try to repel the smell of cat urine from the carpet, the more effective it will be, the fresh urine will be removed more easily and quickly. A stale, dried stain will be its odor to attract an animal to do its work on this place again and again.

In order to eliminate the smell of cat urine from the carpet can be used as a purchase chemical detergent, and resort to the people's way, using improvised household products.

Various ways and means to eliminate the smell of cat urine

Most often, when deciding how to clean the carpet from the smell of cat urine, people resort to popular detergents for carpeting. One such is "Vanish", which is a concentrated solution, which should be diluted with water to a thick foam. The resulting composition is well moistened with a stain, while you can generously sprinkle it with soda as well, so that it quickly absorbs the smell. After the procedure is completed, we remove the soda with a vacuum cleaner.

Specialty products are sold at pet stores, which help to cope with the smell. You can recommend the following: "Dezosan", "Zoovorsin", "Urina off", they contain bacteria with enzymes that directly remove the smell. These funds can also be used when washing a cat's toilet.

If the house does not have these facilities, you can take advantage of what is always at hand, for example, potassium permanganate. Use it should be neat, as the crystals that are not dissolved until the end, can damage the carpet, leaving a stain on it, this method is better for carpets with dark colors.

Perfectly suited for breeding fresh "traces of crime" vodka, it is enough only to quickly get wet the soiled place with a well-saturated sponge and then thoroughly wipe.

You can use citric acid, for this you should squeeze the juice from the lemon into a glass of water, the acid will break the elements contained in the urine of the animal, and the smell of citrus will help scare the pet off, making this place unsuitable for further trouble.

Remove the smell of cat urine can help vinegar and salt. A solution from one part of vinegar and three parts of water can be thoroughly rubbed into the pile of the carpet or sprayed from the spray gun, after a while - get wet with a dry rag. The smell of urine and salt will disappear, it should be poured abundantly on the stain, leave for 2-3 hours, and then sweep.

It is very effective to fight the odor of cat urine iodine, enough twenty drops dissolved in one liter of water.

Sometimes it is not possible from the first time, using various means, to get rid of the smell, should take some time. If you can not immediately remove the pet from the place chosen by him, then you should repeat the treatment of the carpet again, or change the chosen composition, to another.

You can find a lot of information about what can be treated carpet from the smell of cat urine, but even better, to eliminate the causes of its appearance. While cleaning up for the pet, not allowing stressful situations in relation to him, eliminating discontent and revenge of the animal, you do not have to solve problems with the withdrawal of an unpleasant smell.