Early Treatment - Planting and Care

Early (ismena) or hymenocallis is a flowering plant of extraordinary beauty. The appearance of the flowers is very attractive. Each flower consists of 6 narrow elongated and arched petals, emerging from a single cup, formed from an alloy of stamens. This unusual shape gives the flower a special charm.

Place of growth of the plant - marshy terrain, meadows and rocky surfaces. Meet them can be in America (North and South), although people grow them everywhere, because their attractive appearance attracts much attention.

Flower of change - planting and care at home

The flowers multiply by bulbs, which can be bought in almost every garden store. You can grow both in a room and in the open ground, planting them here for the summer period. It is the hymenocallis, early or pleasant, which is sold under the name of early changes, is most often found in our latitudes - they are successfully grown by flower growers and gardeners in their plots and houses.

Early flower flowers after planting need special care. First of all, the plant needs a lot of light. If you grow it in the garden, let it be an open sunny place, if on the windowsill, then provide him with a constant supply of artificial light besides the sunlight. The soil for this flower should be peat with one part of sand and with dry cow manure. It is important to constantly maintain the moisture of the soil and monthly feed it with balanced fertilizers .

In winter, the test, growing in the garden, is excavated and transplanted into pots, which are placed in a well ventilated room at a temperature of +18 ° C until its overground part wilts. After - it is cut off, and the bulbs are stored until the spring, until the time comes again to land them in the ground.

If the flower grows at home, in the winter they continue to be abundantly watered and lighted to prevent winter "hibernation".